Two weeks for a sub-group of nations to agree that it would be nice if we didn't fry the planet.  Surely they could have signed up to that a bit quicker?  Something rotten in the state of Denmark?

There is still much to be done to solve the climate change problem facing every living thing on this planet.

See what the papers around the world say about it - New York Times, Times of India, Sydney Morning Herald, Le Monde, Mail and Guardian online from South Africa, Los Angeles Times and the Guardian.  Not exactly a vote of confidence in the deal.  

More to do - so much more to do.

  • How much extra greenhouse gas was added by all the hot air emanating from Denmark, not to mention the travel involved.  Obama has just shown himself up for what I always suspected he was - just another politician of the Blair 'I love everybody and want to be loved, trust me I'm a regular guy' type.  We are doomed!  We perhaps deserve to be as a species but what about the rest?  What a pathetic, sickening show.  'Rotten' is not the word, albeit perhaps one of the politest that can be used.  A strong organic odour of the bovine variety prevails.

  • How much extra greenhouse gas was added by all the hot air emanating from Denmark, not to mention the travel involved.  Obama has just shown himself up for what I always suspected he was - just another politician of the Blair 'I love everybody and want to be loved, trust me I'm a regular guy' type.  We are doomed!  We perhaps deserve to be as a species but what about the rest?  What a pathetic, sickening show.  'Rotten' is not the word, albeit perhaps one of the politest that can be used.  A strong organic odour of the bovine variety prevails.

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