Given the hoo-ha whipped up about the possibility of reintroducing white-tailed eagles back to East Anglia I was interested in seeing the lengths to which Americans go to celebrate their national bird - the bald eagle (a close relative of the white-tailed eagle).

Around this time of year there are eagle days in Iowa, Idaho, Oklahoma and Illinois. In Utah , Connecticut and Wisconsin you have to wait until February, South Dakota goes for March, Alaska opts for November and that's where I stopped looking.  But the tone of all these events is highly celebratory.  These local communities are chuffed to bits that they have eagles that have made such a good population recovery and you get the impression that the more bald eagles there are, the happier people are.

And these are people who are living with eagles - they might be expected to know a thing or two about them!

  • Bald Eagles appear as national symbols on murals, car stickers and presidential posters - in Syria...

    I found this ironic in view of a) Bald Eagle's world distribution b) Syria's recent relationship with the USA.

    I guess the designers had done an internet search and a) cultural imperialism being what it is b) Syrian bird-awareness being what it is, went for the first eagle on offer.

  • Bald Eagles appear as national symbols on murals, car stickers and presidential posters - in Syria...

    I found this ironic in view of a) Bald Eagle's world distribution b) Syria's recent relationship with the USA.

    I guess the designers had done an internet search and a) cultural imperialism being what it is b) Syrian bird-awareness being what it is, went for the first eagle on offer.

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