• Tagging

    The birds have been in for 5 weeks now and are looking a lot less fluffy than when they went in. Duncan Orr-Ewing, Justin Grant (RSPB) & Roy Dennis have come along to help me and Andrew fit wing tags and radios. I’m just hoping that my painted efforts look a bit better from a distance!

    It takes about 30 minutes to process each bird, including taking biometrics (measuring different parts of the eagles’ bodies…

  • 18th July

    The birds have been in their cages for nearly a month now and are all starting to look and act a lot more like small eagles rather than big chicks.

    For the first week the chicks spent all their time sitting on their artificial nests made of bark chippings and moss and then began venturing out onto their perches as they became stronger and more confident. The birds have a great view of the landscape out of the front of…