Blogger: Erica Howe, Communications Officer

Did anyone else get caught out by the clocks going forward or did you welcome it in with open arms? For some of you, this is a pretty depressing thought. A whole hour less in bed, an hour snatched away from that precious Sunday morning lie-in. However, if you’re beaming with the thought of lighter evenings, and longer days then the hour sacrifice seems a little price to pay. For the last few months, i have been driving home from work in a lethargic state; confused about why it feels so near to my bed time and yet it is only 6pm. Headlights have appeared as if rolling along a hypnotic conveyor belt and getting home means that I close my front door, cook something warming and delicious and curl up on the sofa.

But, things are about to change! Being outdoors is not something I have to rapidly squeeze into my lunch break anymore and my winter coat is starting to feel a little bit overkill. I will be able to clock off from work, get on my bike and head out along the Norfolk roads until at least 8pm, enjoying the sights and sounds of Norfolk wildlife also coming out to play. Roadsides and roundabouts will start sprouting daffodils and crocuses as if someone has flicked a switched and woken them from their winter slumber. And of course, the butterflies will start adorning garden bushes and shrubs as if getting ready for their own spring party.  

Last weekend I was out and about, enjoying the simple pleasure of rolling countryside, a blue sky, the company of friends and chit chat as we stood in the sun’s rays. My friend’s daughter was over the moon that she had learnt how to make a daisy chain. And even more thrilled that in picking a choice selection of daisies for her new ‘bracelet’ she had found a tiny, wriggly worm that she was handling with such care it could have been a little piece of gold. We decided that the worm would probably prefer being back playing with its friends so we let him go and carried on searching out round, bright daisies. For those few hours, the thoughts and pressures of every day evaporated and my energy levels soared. My skin was warm and glowing and I felt a huge amount of comfort from the space of the county-side and its fresh air.

Being outside can be anything you want it to be. A respite, an adventure, a jungle, a sanctuary, a beauty treatment, a natural healer or perhaps just a way to spend some time with someone you love.

Here at the RSPB, we would love to know what outdoor adventures you’ve had this weekend, why not share them with us at or ?

 Article in EDP on Saturday 24 March 2012. Photo Credit: Andy Hay (