Blogger: Kim Matthews, Membership Development Officer

At least that is what Stevie Wonder believes.  I never thought of myself as particularly superstitious although I do tend to avoid walking under ladders, but that is just elementary health and safety.  I may even have been heard to utter a "Good morrow Mr Magpie" on spotting a solitary individual of those striking black and white birds, but surely that is just good manners!

In a moment of serious procrastination yesterday I popped 'Animal Superstitions' into Google (other search engines are also available) and was amazed at what came up.  From bad weather, ill health, and death to good fortune, wealth and happiness, it appears that animals are to blame for it all! 

It's all "woowoo", as the stargazing astronomer Professor Brian Cox says about the unexplained, and I would generally agree with him.  However, I have a secret.  My very own personal superstition...... birds of prey.  I give myself one good luck count for each one I see, so the more I see in a day the luckier I am.  I can't say it has translated directly into actual good fortune.  I've yet to win the lottery on the strength of a buzzard sighting!  But it's brilliant for journeys of any kind and it certainly beats counting red cars or playing I-spy for the hundredth time.

Today is a lucky day already, a barn owl and a kestrel just on the way to work.  So, never mind the woowoo, pick your own favourite wildlife good luck symbol and see how lucky you get!


 Credit: Jodie Randall (