Blogger: Gena Correale-Wardle, RSPB Community Fundraising Officer

Last week I spent a lovely week on annual leave in sunny Tenerife. Not only were my friends and I excited about relaxing by the pool and basking in the sun like lizards, we were looking forward to seeing some too. With over 100 endemic species of fauna, more than 50 bird species and several reptile and mammals inhabiting this volcanic island we were expecting great things from the natural world during our trip.

Imagine our disappointment then, to have a week with no mammals or reptiles and the only birds spotted being collared doves! The closest we came to the sound of the dawn chorus was Charlotte's bird whistle bought for 40 cents in a toy shop. Only 'El Drago', the fabulous ancient dragon tree of Tenerife (shaped more like a big broccoli!) lived up to our nature expectations.


Coming back to grey England seemed an unsavoury prospect by the day of our departure, but on our drive back to Norwich from the airport we were welcomed home by sweeping bats, a jumpy deer, two beautiful barn owls and lots of rabbits out having a night-time snack!

It's easy to forget the wildlife we have on our doorstep sometimes, but coming back to this host of evening creatures reminded us all of the amazing sites we take for granted on a daily basis. So next time you're jealous of a friend or colleague off on a sun-holiday, remember you might be enjoying more nature in one night than they will be in a whole week!