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What is flowering near you at the moment?

Thought I have a little practise at using Macro with my camera after I failed to get a decent picture of the moth thingy from my earlier post. I am not a gardener really so have mostly lawn and shrubby borders. Here a some pics of some things that are flowering at the moment.

As you can see it is easier when stuff is not moving. LOL.

I have had to include weeds to get a good range and I don't even know what the last two are, but I hop you like them and will add some of your own.


I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...

  • Great pics everyone and of course anyone can join in. I have changed the title so everyone will feel they can post. I too had the benefit of bluebells on my walks these last few days. Their scent is heavenly.

    Keep them coming.


    PS I have not edited my pics other than some cropping.


    I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...

  • Hello bramble67

    I quite often take photos of my garden just to see how it is progressing. We have been in this house 6 years and it is a work in progress.  

    What I really need to do is identify the yellow azalea and find someone to help me propagate it (I am awful at propagation) as it is nearly 40 years old and I have never encountered another one like it and the fragrance knocks your socks off.

    Caroline in Jersey

    Cin J

  • Stunning shots Caroline. I have never been to Jersey. It looks like the flowers enjoy the climate there though. thanks for adding to the post.


    I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...

  • bramble67 said:

    Stunning shots Caroline. I have never been to Jersey. It looks like the flowers enjoy the climate there though. thanks for adding to the post.


    Thank you Sarah,

    The Island is looking stunning at the moment - the wisterias are starting to open and the hedgerows flowers are coming on really well. 

    Caroline in Jersey

    Cin J

  • What a great thread + what wonderful photos. Like Bramble I can do these as they don't  move too much - unless v windy!! Here's afew that I've been taking over the last few days.

    Waiting for the crab apple to open, had no idea they were 'hairy'.

    A lovely Alpina clematis that was planted in the autumn.

    My secret garden!! Nextdoors pond - they are v good at sharing it with us!!

    This is my abiding memory of moving here, took the kids to school, even before we had keys for the house exactly 5yrs ago. Past this garden + this was the whole front 'lawn'.

    Other Daffs.

    There are wonderful clumps of Primroses

     New additions to the lawn!! Called Gowan in NE Scot - love that name.


     Its so wonderful at this time of year here's a bud that is bursting - no flower yet but they are on the way!!

    'In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks'  John Muir.       

    Excuse wobbily dyslexic spelling!

  • Wow Osprey, your pics are gorgeous. the pond looks lovely to share. I would love a pond, but so would Bramble so it's not an option really. 


    I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...

  • What wonderful photos from everyone there.

    Germain I don't know what the azalea is called but I can help with the propogation. We moved into a house with an old neglected garden, when I was a teenager. We had lotsof wonderful azaleas, many old + tired.So what to do, you will need a knife + some stones. Layering is v successful, as long as you have the time. Choose a branch that can be bent to the ground + then has some branch with foliage beyond. You scrape some of the bark away down one side of the branch nearest the ground, make a wee furrow in the ground pop the branch scrapped side down onto the furrow,cover with well mulched soil + leaf mould, put the brick on top for added weight + leave for as long as you can 1-2 yrs. Check that its rooted, then cut the new plant from the parent where the branch first goes into the ground. Fork the new plant up + pop in the ground wherever you fancy!! You can do multiples of these from the same plant similtaniously. Hope this helps!!

    'In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks'  John Muir.       

    Excuse wobbily dyslexic spelling!

  • Osprey, Thank you so much for that info.  I will experiment this week. Fingers crossed.  

    Caroline in Jersey

    Cin J

  • Great tips there Osprey. Good luck with that Caroilne. I have seen it done before on TV, but there is nothing mature enough in my garden to need to try it.


    I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...

  • Nothing mature enough in this garden either Bramble but it worked brilliantly, is a handy way of getting new plants from lots of diff species. I'm currently trying holly + honeysuckle in our hedge + its working really well. As for the borrowed pond - I provide the log pile for the frogs toads + newts, they provide the frog spawn for the kids.

    Also showed them the huge nos of newts all 'tangled' up in the weed, tiny just 2 was fasinated. Would really love a pond as well but with a weeish garden + 4 lads, possibly not the safest option - something to look forward to as the boys get older.

    Germain happy to help I just hope that it works for you - love the heady scent of azaleas!!


    'In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks'  John Muir.       

    Excuse wobbily dyslexic spelling!