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3 shrubs for a fiver

this time of year im chomping at the bit to get out into my garden but as the weathers still grim i tend to trawl the garden centres for a bargain ......well if you have a branch of the range nearby they are selling 3 shrubs for a fiver i purchased a white and a purple buddleia and a climbing rose which i have potted up ready to put out into my garden when the weathers a tad better .................

  • I bought a buddleia in our local poundland a couple of weeks ago, potted it in a nice big pot and had it sat on a sunny windowledge since and is now coming on a treat!!  We have to be patient this time of year despite the urge to get out there and get stuck into the garden, this is an ideal way to satisfy those cravings ; )

  • Well spotted Chavfinch. We have The Range here in Hull, they are good for bargains. The Budget Birding thread has been really useful perhaps its time for a Budget Gardening thread? Best wishes, Ness.
    A garden is a thing of beauty and a job forever!