• BBC Wild Isles - Pennod 2 - Coetiroedd

    English version available here.      RHYBUDD! Peidiwch darllen yr isod os nad ydych eisioes wedi gwylio Wild Isles - Woodlands Roedd y bennod yr wythnos hon yn canolbwyntio ar goetiroedd, yn ogystal â’r planh...
  • BBC Wild Isles - Pennod 1 - Our Precious Isles

    English version available here RHYBYDD! Peidiwch darllen yr isod os nad ydych eisioes wedi gwylio Wild Isles - Our Precious Isles Mae Wild Isles, sef y gyfres y bu pawb yn disgwyl amdani, wedi ymddangos ar ein sgriniau ni heno. Mae blynyddoedd o gy...
  • BBC Wild Isles - Episode 1 - Our Precious Isles

    Fersiwn Gymraeg ar gael yma SPOILER ALERT! Do not read if you haven't watched BBC's Wild Isles - Our Precious Isles - yet!  So, the series we’ve all been waiting for, Wild Isles, hit our screens tonight, ending years of excitement and ex...
  • Iechyd da ar Ddydd Gŵyl Dewi gyda gin o Ynys Dewi!

    English version available here.  Am y pedair blynedd diwethaf mae St Davids Gin wedi bod yn cynhyrchu a gwerthu gin Ramsey Island a St Davids Seaweed gan ddefnyddio llysiau botanegol sy’n tyfu ar yr ynys ac ar dir mawr Sir Benfro gerllaw.&...
  • Cheers this St David’s day with a Ramsey Island gin!

    Fersiwn Gymraeg ar gael yma. For the past four years St Davids Gin have been producing and selling Ramsey Island and St Davids Seaweed gin using botanicals sourced on the island and the nearby Pembrokeshire mainland. St Davids Gin officially launche...
  • 'Gwnewch y pethau bychain' dros y natur ar garreg eich drws

    English version available here Ar Ddydd Gŵyl Dewi, rydyn ni’n cael ein hannog i wneud y pethau bychain – a gan fod cymaint o ddiwylliant Cymru yn frith o gyfeiriadau at fywyd gwyllt, rydyn ni’n meddwl fod hwn yn gyfle perffaith i wn...
  • 'Do the small things' for the nature on your doorstep

    Fersiwn Gymraeg ar gael yma On St David’s Day, we are encouraged to do the small things – and as so much of Welsh culture is intertwined with references to wildlife, we think it is the perfect opportunity to do the small things on behalf ...
  • Ar y trywydd cywir tuag at amgylchedd naturiol ffyniannus ac iach

    English version available here Dros yr wythnosau nesaf, bydd Tîm Polisi RSPB Cymru yn mynychu cynadleddau pleidiau gwleidyddol Cymru, ac mae’r neges sydd gennym yn un syml dros ben. Mae angen i ni weithredu nawr os ydym am achub byd natur...
  • The road to a thriving healthy natural environment

    Fersiwn Gymraeg ar gael yma Over the next few weeks, the RSPB Cymru Policy Team will be attending Welsh political party conferences and the message we are taking is a very simple one. We need to act now if we are to save nature in Wales. Ours is a co...
  • Clust i'r ddaear yn COP15

    English version available here Blog gwadd gan Joe Wilkins Ar ôl cael ei gohirio am fwy na dwy flynedd, o'r diwedd cynhaliwyd pymthegfed Cynhadledd y Partïon yng Nghonfensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Amrywiaeth Fiolegol ym mis Rhagfyr. D...
  • On the ground at COP15

    Fersiwn Gymraeg ar gael ymaGuest blog by Joe Wilkins Delayed over two years, the fifteenth Conference of Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity finally happened in December. Thankfully the conference is more widely known as ...
  • Mae Gwylio Adar yr Ardd yn ei ôl!

    English version available here Mae mis Ionawr yn gallu bod yn rhyw fis llwyd ac anodd i lawer, wrth i ni ffarwelio â holl ormodedd y Nadolig a mynd yn ôl i drefn yn y flwyddyn newydd. Ond rydyn ni’n hoffi meddwl bod golau ar ddiwed...
  • The Big Garden Birdwatch returns!

    Fersiwn Gymraeg ar gael yma January can be a rather grey and testing month for many, as we try to brush off the Christmas cobwebs and get back into the swing of things in the new year. But we like to think that there’s light at the end of the ...
  • Rhyfeddodau bywyd gwyllt y gaeaf

    English version available here. Er ein bod yn gweld eisiau’r pâl, y telor a’r gwcw, mae cysur i’w gael o hyd o’r ymwelwyr gaeafol sy’n byw a bod yn yr awyr agored yng Nghymru yng nghefn gwlad ac mewn ardaloedd tref...
  • Wales’ winter wildlife wonders

    Fersiwn Gymraeg ar gael yma While we may miss our puffins, warblers and cuckoos, we can all take comfort in the wonderful winter visitors that grace Wales’ outdoors, be that in rural areas, urban areas and everywhere between. Many of us think o...
  • Ffermio a Natur yng Nghymru

    English version available here Mae ffermio yn greiddiol i Gymru, gyda ffermwyr yn teimlo cysylltiad cryf â’r tir ac yn cael pleser o’r natur y maen nhw’n ei alw yn adref. Boed hynny’n alwad wefreiddiol y gylfinir, ysblan...
  • Farming and Nature in Wales

    Fersiwn Gymraeg ar gael yma Farming in Wales is at its core and farmers feel a strong connection to the land, taking pleasure from the nature that calls it their home. Whether this be the haunting call of the curlew, the radiance of the yellowhammer ...
  • Ar ôl pum mlynedd anhygoel, mae’n bryd i ni ffarwelio â’r prosiect Rhoi Cartref i Fyd Natur yng Nghaerdydd

    English version available here Mae’r prosiect Rhoi Cartref i Fyd Natur yng Nghaerdydd wedi dod i ben ar ôl pum mlynedd o waith agos gyda grwpiau cymunedol a mannau gwyrdd lleol Caerdydd. Dechreuodd y prosiect yn 2017 fel partneriaeth...
  • After five amazing years, it’s time we say goodbye to the Giving Nature a Home in Cardiff project

    Fersiwn Gymraeg ar gael yma The Giving Nature a Home in Cardiff project has ended after five years of close work with Cardiff’s local green spaces and community groups. The project began in 2017 as a partnership between RSPB Cymru, Cardiff Coun...
  • Welsh wildlife under threat from UK Government’s Attack on Nature

    I ddarllen y fersiwn Gymraeg, sgroliwch i lawr / To read the Welsh version, please scroll down. Welsh wildlife under threat from UK Government’s Attack on Nature What is the UK Government planning?   Last week the UK Government set ...
  • Cyngor ar sut i groesawu bywyd gwyllt i'ch gardd

    English version available here Os ydych chi wedi bod yn mwynhau treulio ychydig o amser yn eich mannau gwyrdd yn ystod y tywydd braf diweddar, beth am chwilio am ffyrdd o groesawu amrywiaeth eang o fywyd gwyllt i’ch gerddi. Gyda’r hydref ...
  • Tips for welcoming wildlife in your garden

    Fersiwn Gymraeg ar gael yma If you’re enjoying spending some time in your green spaces with this nice weather, why not look at ways of welcoming and helping a wide range of wildlife into your gardens. With autumn coming, here are four ways you ...
  • Cadw llygaid ar y pedryn drycin

    English version available here Bob blwyddyn, bydd Cymru’n croesawu adar môr o bob cwr o’r byd. O’r pâl i’r llurs i’r fulfran wen a’r gwylog, gwenoliaid y môr lu ac adar drycin Manaw – mae&rs...
  • Keeping an eye on the storm petrel

    Fersiwn Gymraeg ar gael yma Every year, Wales welcomes seabirds from all over the world. From puffins and razorbills to gannets and guillemots, terns galore and the Manx shearwaters – the summer means that we get to see these wonderful birds re...
  • Avian flu on Grassholm Island

    Fersiwn Gymraeg ar gael yma RSPB Grassholm is home to 36,000 pairs of northern gannet, making it the third largest colony in the world for this sea bird. It is one of only two gannet colonies in Wales and of international importance. As you may have...