Having grown up in Fermanagh, I’ve been lucky enough to experience some of the county’s most special places – from the ancient stone carvings on White Island to the magical subterranean Marble Arch Caves.

But until I came to work at RSPB NI, I’d never even heard of Aghatirourke!

Aghatirourke, on Cuilcagh Mountain, is part of the Marble Arch Caves Global Geopark and is an area of extensive upland blanket bog and limestone which offers magnificent views of the surrounding landscape.

There’s a wealth of wildlife on the RSPB NI reserve, from sand martins to skylarks and stonechats.

Peregrines, golden plover and red grouse have all been seen here too and some more unusual species have been known to show up in this wild landscape – including a snowy owl just last month!

As well as being rich in birdlife, this special place is also bursting with interesting plantlife and insects. This time last year our Fermanagh Area Manager Brad Robson spotted a green hairstreak butterfly here for the first time (pictured) – a real beauty I’m sure you’ll agree.



So, why not join the team for an Aghatirourke Ramble this Saturday (27 June)?

Leaving Gortalughany car park we will follow the trail onto the reserve to the area of Leggacurragh Gap through both blanket bog and limestone areas. You’ll need suitable footwear and clothing to take part even though the walk will not be to the summit of the mountain. 

This event will cost £5 for adults or £4 for RSPB members and £2.50/£2 for children. Some of the walking will be across the bog and may not be suitable for under eights.

Booking is essential by calling 028 9049 1547 during office hours or emailing amy.colvin@rspb.org.uk

For more details and directions visit http://www.rspb.org.uk/discoverandenjoynature/seenature/events/details.aspx?id=tcm:9-389797