• Soiled, but stepping boldly forwards in peace

    If the change in weather to cold mornings and dark evenings hasn't been enough to dampen spirits, a burst soilpipe in our office block has snuffed out the remaining cheer lingering from the warm start of this month. Our new office mantra: "Wake up and smell the beings". Umm. Full roast.

    That open sewer smell transports me to adventures on foreign soils, or occasionally after heavy downpours in London, the…

  • He's a jolly good fallow

    Reds in the flower beds at Bushy Park - AWESOMEIf you commute in and out of London, at some point in your life you'll no doubt feel stuck in a rut;  the same old, same old.

    But 'tis the rutting season, so Bushy Park and other open spaces are echoing to the bellow of frisky deer. The warm weather of late has helped stir the deep emotions of these majestic beasts.

    Think of the fight scene in Romeo and Juliet, two strutting males circle each other, exchanging verbal…

  • Moth eaten? Bring on the tits!

    A blazing start to October will this week turn to a more traditional autumnal month, with forecasters predicting snow in the UK before Christmas - yes it's just a couple of months away!

    So, it's time to put away the shorts and crop-tops and dig out the woolies and hats with ear-flaps. If you're unlucky, that favourite winter wooly may have holes in it, courtesy of some hungry moths. Our conker trees aren't faring…