• Lambs not for the slaughter

    Picture the scene. A family of five squelching through muddy fields alongside the banks of the River Lugg in Herefordshire. There's blue sky, sunshine, low temperatures and snow dusting the ground. Wrapped up warm and with cold wellies we're constantly encouraging our youngest to walk just a wee bit further (another two miles to be precise, but don't tell her).New born lambs in a Herefordshire field

    Then we spot a huddle of three sheep... they've…

  • Pilgrim fathers and peregrines

    RSPB Director of Conservation and WEx members at Winfield HouseEarly UK emigrants liked familiar things and among their home comforts, took house sparrows with them as they boldly went to conquer new worlds. They effectively made the humble cockney sparra a global species. House sparrows are now common across most of the world, especially the America's, where they continue to flourish. Not so in the London grounds of the US Ambassador's home.

    Winfield House, near London…