Spring is in the air at Abberton Reservoir.

I can never resist when Limpy suggests a visit to one of our beautiful local reserves.  On this occasion we headed out to Abberton, and the effort was well worthwhile:

Greylag geese have impressive wings.

There were loads of tufted ducks about.  Most of them demonstrated their usual gift for diving just as I'm ready to take the shot, but happily this one was more civilised.

'You two aren't thinking about getting rampant in front of us all, are you?'

'Who, us?  We're respectable birds, we are.'

A lovely dunnock.

Mr Chaffinch poses in between bouts of singing.

This goldfinch would not turn its head.

This blue tit was a bit more obliging.

A coot in the Visitor Centre pool flaunts its lunch.

I snapped a distant bird having a good preen - the last thing I expected was for it to be a skylark!  The skylarks were out in force, and singing for England.

I don't often see marsh harriers here so this was a nice surprise.

An incoming Egyptian goose........

........is met with a less than warm welcome from this pair!

I just managed to capture this crow flying past.

This female teal was having a great time troughing along the water's edge.

This crow let me get surprisingly close to it - it just had to be snapped.

Getting ready to scarper!

A pair of pottering wigeons.

This isn't a great photo of the gadwalls but I couldn't leave out such subtly beautiful birds.

I found this situation interesting as it almost looks as if these herring gulls were flying in a family group.

I was delighted to see a goldeneye on the water.

It was even better to see it flaunting itself!

I love pied wagtails, and Abberton has loads of them.

A rook flies gracefully near the Visitor Centre.

It pauses in the playground so I can admire its glossy feathers.  They are such handsome birds.

Back at the Layer Beeton causeway this black-headed gull sits quietly, unlike most of its relatives!

Awwwww.  A beautiful pair of mallards.

A grey heron coming in to land.

Got to have a swan!

I don't know what caused all these rooks to take to the air but it was an impressive sight!

I'm so glad we made the most of today as this causeway closes tomorrow, for the next five weeks!  I hope you all like these.

Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.