Being a sunny and warm day here Mike and I headed off to our local Tatton Park which is 15 mins. walk from our home;   we were hoping to see the Red Deer with the magnificent male Stags and their harems.     It wasn't until  three hours into our four hour walk that we finally spotted one of the herds as we heard one of the males loudly bellow;  he was in the distance along with other male Reds and all their ladies !    so..... even though our feet were begging for a rest !   we plodded onwards and upwards to get within zoom range of these magnificent animals, remembering to keep a safe distance away from the male Stags and their harem whilst the testosterone season is on full power   lol  

First a photo of the Knutsford entrance to Tatton Park 

and the start of the parkland beyond and some of its 2000 acres

Tatton Mansion

strangely enough this was the first creature we saw   !!!    a Ruby Tiger Moth caterpillar - many thanks to Katy for the ID :)

walking along the main drive through the park we spotted fallow deer and sheep.   

The next set of pics shows you an amusing sighting where the Jackdaws were perched on a fallow deer picking the insects off its coat and head   !!    

first pic shows two Jackdaws, one which had its feet perched on the nose of the deer !!   You will need full frame for this set !

can't work out if the Fallow Deer is telling the Jackdaw to clear orrff or whether it is just enjoying the preening and cleaning experience  lol

don't blame me for the next pic,  I just didn't time the photo well    lol

is this a Ewe ??     Nah ..... it's a  "P"          !!!

Finally, here we have the Red Deer ..........

a male stag who seemed to have lost out in the fight for a harem as he was on his own  :(

and now for the victor......    bellowing his dominance

and this little cutie was just inquisitive !

a young buck by the looks of him,  hopefully just chewing the cud and not snarling at me    lol

the old man is next .......

attitude show  next  !!  

the ladies ......

another fine Stag ....

Handsome beast !

oops, I've been spotted with the camera 

charming !!        sticking his tongue out now at me   !!

there were a few unsuccessful frisky attempts to mate with a female .....

now all say  Awwwww    :)      wonder what its wondering  ??

the snooty lQQk      ...........

this is the fence post I stood behind ........to be on the safe side  !!!  

and finally the beautiful autumnal colours

thanks for viewing folks :)     hope to return to Tatton Park soon to get more pics 


Regards, Hazel