Loch Garten Archive of Photos from the Olde Days

I start with photos from Les Carr recently posted on our DU threads.

"Big Bins" from the forward hide. ~Les Carr

EJ perching, from the forward hide.

BIG BINS, reclaimed from a German U-boat.

Overnight accommodations in the Forward Hide.

Looking back at the Visitor Center from the Forward Hide.

The pine shingles on the osprey centre roof are in the shape of osprey wings. ~Les Carr

Looking towards the Forward Hide from the VC.

Les himself in the Forward Hide! A very very very old photo of the forward hide, one man watching while the other sleeps at his feet. ~Les Carr

A  photo of the camera tree with the platform that used to hold the camera, Hence "THE CAMERA TREE" The tree was declared unsafe by health and safety so they had to put up the camera mast. ~Les Carr
 The mast tower was built after the cam was taken off the tree's cam platform.

Early morning shots. Last one shows Henry flying through, EJ is on the nest. (Would be nice to have dates!)

Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • Thanks so much for this, CC, thoughtful as always.

    Unknown said:
    (Would be nice to have dates!)

    Maybe LES can furnish some?  Especially for the early-days primitive watch conditions - what heroes!

    Thank you again, LES !!!


  • Hmmm Les there was no ‘Bubbly’ in the hide when I was there last year ;) maybe I’ll have better luck this year :D


  • Fantastic Thanks you CC and LES One point of conclusion It says the last photo shows Henry but the date on the photo shows 2013 Odin was the male here then????

  • Sorry to have to dispel a 'myth', but I wrote to the German manufacturers (Zeiss if my memory serves correct), supplying all the numbers on the 'big bins', as we had also been told the story about them being a souvenir from a U Boat. I got a lovely reply saying that they were actually supplied to German ground units and were almost certainly not from a U boat - their reply was put in the Volunteers 'Useful Information' folder kept in the forward hide.

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that.