Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 April 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here. I left two long posts on the end of last week's thread, and others had posts, too.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

These are endangered American White Pelicans like the ones that are waiting out the bad weather on the lake down the road from me, so they can again fly north to their breeding area.

American White Pelicans
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service government photo
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Thanks Diane.

    OG: It's our local year-round resident, the Anna. Your day does sound very pleasant.  OH and I are stalking Lightning as she moves around the living room!

    dibnlib: Hope your cousin and OH are eligible for some in-home help for what does sound like a real challenge for both of them.

    Lindybird: You should track your U.S. relatives.  We had a neighbor when we lived in Watford and I wrote to her several times. When I gave her our new address, she said she had relatives in our area - turned out they lived about 10 minutes away!

    Heather: I too am waiting for more info about your father; sounds very intriguing.

    Off to sort out something easy for dinner. All packed and a relaxing evening then, I hope.

  • Good Morning, All.  Thanks to Diane for starting the new week, and for the beautifully white pelicans!

    Annette - apart from your cat watching, you sound relaxed and ready for your trip. Enjoy yourself, I know you are excited to see your sister again.

  • Good morning.  Not going to church, myself, sending OH on his own, as I have a “tummy bug”.  Not feeling ill – just tired and hungry.

    Linda – pleased to see you got the Pansies planted.  It’s always a pleasure to stroll round the garden, whatever the size, and see how things progress from day to day, especially in springtime.

    Diane – thanks for starting us off again – and for the Pelican picture.  Is the flock still sitting out the weather on your local lake?

    Annette – thanks for Hummer ID.  Poor Lightning, being watched, she’ll have a complex about squatting – hope she doesn’t then develop urinary retention!  Pleased you are packed and relaxed ready to go for your special trip.

    Goldfinch numbers here have suddenly picked up, so we are hoping to see young ones this summer, after none last year; and a pair of Siskin have suddenly put in a recurrent appearance over the last few days – our first this year.  Last year’s Housemartin nest has fallen this week, so they will need to build a new one – will be interesting to see if they return to the other gable end this time (if at all).  Blackbirds, Starlings, Dunnock and Housesparrows are all “at it” – and of course Woodpigeons – and even “Squaark”, our resident Black-headed Gull seems to have a girlfriend!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good morning everyone, beautiful day here today. we are off to Hunstanton shortly to show Indie the sand and sea, also hope to pass a garden centre on the way :-)

    its a shame to waste such a day.

    I will catch up later, have a good day.

  • OG -  Sorry you're not so good. Hope you feel better after a restful day. It's certainly springlike here: wonderful to see.

    EDIT I meant to correct myself, as they are tiny, pretty violas not pansies - but very similar!

  • OG  sorry to hear you are under the weather again. Hope you have a quick recovery.

    Not going to church myself. We have both had the snuffles over the lat 10 days and as I have been particularly bunged up overnight and not sleeping, I find I am pretty shattered during the day, so the quieter the better.  Our minister is on his hols and an American (he has been in Scotland for eons) is taking the service. He is a delightful man of 86, but his sermons(ramblings) go on for ever. I would be in danger of finally falling asleep and no doubt snoring....how embarrassing.

    On the subject of grapes (see yesterday) for any grape lovers, M&S have this seasons muscat grapes in. They are the tastiest grapes ever, but only have a short season, so get there soon!!!

  • OG: I hope you feel much better! Sending you good energy. You've had such a hard time lately.

    For anyone interested in space: NASA has declared a "spacecraft emergency". The Kepler spacecraft is down! NASA was preparing to turn the craft to point toward the center of the Milky Way. But before operations could begin, the craft mysteriously went into emergency mode. Kepler is 75 million miles from Earth. Wonder what it didn't want us to see? LOL!!!

  • Made my Grandmas all bran loaf this morning. Incredibly easy and so delicious. Friend for lunch on Tues so we will be having salmon salad follow by the loaf. The other thing is that it keeps very well

  • Sounds yummy, dibnlib.  I used to make my m.in.laws teabread, which also improves with keeping. I don't seem to get around to baking much nowadays.

    Diane:  Will take a look at it. Nothing mentioned on the News about it.