Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 March 2016

HAPPY NEW WEEK and HAPPY EASTER (to those who celebrate the holiday).

Last week's Chat thread is here.

Everyone have a wonderful week.

  • Diane – Thanks for starting us & Greetings.


    HAPPY EASTER to ALL. The DownUnder bunnies have been busy this morn laying eggs in backyards for excited children. I know Dau had practice runs for twins last week, dropping tiny dinosaurs on lawn & garden and getting twins to find. I hope Miss4 gives the wee ones a chance to find some eggs. Then the sugar rush will follow LOL. Had phone chat with Dau#1, Miss20 is away at church camp for Easter. Weather is cool, temp range 14 – 22 C. That’s cool here.


    Annette – Love pics of LA. MissD is MissDelightful.


    Heather – So jealous. We no longer get any recordings from Kings. Bleah to ratings!


    Brenda – Your exercise for the day brought a smile.


    Margo – Hope you enjoy a great steak tomorrow. {{{HUGGS}}}

  • Happy Easter everyone.

    Diane: Thank you again dearie. Bernie did very well in Washington and Alaska (did you see the shot of the bird landing on the podium?).  Sounds like some screw ups in Hawaii with polls closing early if there was more than, say, a 30-minute lull in attendance!

    AQ: Glad it's getting cooler for you. Hope the twins were able to score some eggs. Can you believe it, when I used to have my grandkids over at Easter, I had separate his-and-her egg hunts only because my grandson was such a pushy little tike and forgot his manners, grabbing everything his poor sister spied.


    Off to church soon (in sunshine)- BBL.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!


    Off to church soon (in sunshine!) - BBL.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hey - it wouldn't go, so I went to rich text, edited slightly - so now you got two for the price of one!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Happy Easter-

    Thank you DIANE for getting us going. I did hear the results for the first two states.

    AQ- know what you mean, sometimes things have to be manipulated a little so that the smaller ones get eggs too! Glad the weather is a little cooler. My youngest SiL s parents are staying in NZ North Island just now. They spent a few days last week in the South Island and were relieved to find things cooler.

    ANNETTE- Hope the big house move for your Granddaughter went OK. Your photos were fascinating and it was lovely to see Miss D. She really is a pretty wee thing.

    Nothing much happening here, the clocks changed to BST in the early hours. One less hour of insomnia LOL It has been raining, last night was a stormy one, had to close bedroom window. Even my OH could hear the gales and that is saying something, he is so deaf.

    Hope that you have a good day and that MARGO manages three courses :-))

  • May I wish all contributors and readers of this thread wherever you are or who ever you are with this Eastertide.


  • What a wind last night. Today is bright but a little chilly.

  • My cousins husband had a meeting on Friday to talk through the options for her. They say she is too weak for physio but of course she will not get stronger until she has had physio. It is a catch 22. I can't imagine what they are going through. Dawn of course is desperate to get home. They already had alterations done when she lost the first leg (downstairs loo and shower room) but I should think that there will be more changes needed now the 2nd leg has been amputated.

  • Lovely card Keith and a Happy Easter to all from me.

    This is for Clare as I know she loves her Corvids like me - I currently have 4 Rooks in the garden here in Aldeburgh demolishing my fat balls! I had one the other day and he must have told his mates!