Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 February 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

Annette: This is the way that you encourage moles and gophers to leave your property. LOL LOL

Everyone have a wonderful week.

  • Evening all: And Hugs to Diane for another start. Sorry to hear that life is bumpy right now; Hope the warming trend will help your RA.

    OG: Do you find that certain foods cause a flare up of the arthritis?  Congrats to GD#1 for her job; it's so nice to see them succeed isn't it?

    Heather:  Is your grandson on any meds?  My grandson was diagnosed with ADHD very early in his school career (and I use that term very loosely!), but seems to have outgrown it (he's now 25). He couldn't sit still in any class; now works on winery equipment so is outdoors and on his feet all the time and goes to night school.

    Lynette: I went back to the gym for the first time in a few weeks on Friday and did a modest workout; no idea how long it will take to get back to my "normal."  Good for you!

    Today was grocery/laundry day. No ironing coz it was all bedding and towels. Tomorrow it's putter in the garden day.  :-)

    Take care all

  • Another cold but sunny morning here.

    We had a lovely day with daughter and Ruby. Ruby had no mishaps or did any damage. She was shown the door to the garden on her arrival and didn't forget LOL We took her for a walk and play, with neighbour's dog and were greatly surprised at how well she behaved, off lead, but definitely needs more lessons when on the lead. Too many new smells to attract her attention.

    Although it was very cold yesterday, OH did manage to cut the overgrown grass, both ways and rake off any remaining tree debris left by recent storm. I cleared the beds of leaves / twigs etc. I also swept the patio. Have to start on the front beds, possibly after lunch today.

    Our son completed the Tokyo Marathon earlier today. ( he is 9 hours ahead ) Only 4c in Tokyo. Quite a change from 30c in Singapore. He and his wife will have a skiing holiday in Japan now. 

    Diane, Thank you for starting the week. Sorry that you have problems. The cold weather cannot be helping your joint pain either. Sounds good if your Spring temperatures do arrive and it does warm up for you. Love the gopher video. Poor gopher LOL

    OG, So sorry that you have pain in your hands. That is so debillitating for you, as well as very painful. You will just have to supervise ' the boys ' until you feel back to normal :-))

    Heather, Lovely to hear about Sam again. It is very hard work for the parents, but can also be very rewarding. With a Mum and a Gran, like you, he will succeed.

    Love to Margo and her OH.

  • OG, Forgot to say, congratulations to your granddaughter. So glad she has been able to organise everything so well.

  • Morning all - well Brenda at least - :-)

    Diane: Forgot to comment on the cat-vs-critter video. A hoot. Not sure Lightning is that alert at this point, though I did spy her watching those bumps in the garden; too bad they didn't move.

  • Hello all

    ANNETTE- no, Sam isn't on any medication. He seems not to be too disruptive in the classroom! I do know about Ritalin which some children take, but I honestly don't think that Sam is that hyperactive. He is just a bit different from the majority of his peers.....I'm so happy to hear that your grandson grew out of his early difficulties, I can only hope for the same, for Sam.

    It has been another lovely day here, we still have heating on, though.

    Thank you, DIANE for starting us off once more!

    BRENDA- Well done to your son, I hope that we hear something about his holiday :-) You seem to be getting on well in the garden, we are looking and talking but not a lot to be done just now.
  • Heather, A neighbour rang and during the conversation, mentioned that he had cut his grass, that spurred my OH into action. We have done a little gardening today but it felt even colder than yesterday. At this moment we have very light rain in the wind, so OH is feeling so good with what he managed to do yesterday. The heating is definitely necessary though.  

  • Heather and Brenda far too early to think about mowing here as part of the lawn is still frozen.

    Glorious day so took ourselves to Lochindorb. Totally frozen but plus 6 in the cloudless sky. The days are drawing out which so boosts ones feel good thingy;-)

  • Sounds a super day, WENDY! Yes, days are getting longer. OH made a special trip to the kitchen (!) to inform me that it was 5.30 and still daylight....

  • Good evening, all.  Well, we achieved a lot today.  It was a frosty start, so after some planning while watching the dishwasher (which still didn’t misbehave) we began by prepping the veg in advance for dinner, so after our showers OH could go outside for an hour while I made the meal for J’s return from church (we didn’t go to our church as it was a special service which wasn’t very relevant to newcomers).  After our meal and synchronising our three diaries, OH and I both worked in the garden – pruning, moving potted plants, tidying etc.  It was cool but bearable working, and even a short session makes a difference – and less to do later.

    Diane – thanks for the new start!

    Annette – can’t relate flares in OA or PA to weather, food etc in either case – don’t even always recognise which type of arthritis is most active.  I think my weight is the biggest factor!  Been better today – will be interesting to see tomorrow morning whether garden has made things worse or helped by giving me exercise!  Whales for you tomorrow – hope it’s a good day.

    Brenda – seems your Daughter and her Fiancé are doing really well with Ruby’s training; so glad she is good and a pleasure to have visit!  No grass cutting here yet, since we are still having frosts – and now it will get a bit warmer it will be wet again.  It badly needs rolling, scarifying and cutting!  Well done your Son for the marathon – and I hope they enjoy the skiing holiday to the full.  Granddaughter is stuck at a station somewhere in Switzerland – plane was late, and next available train was cancelled – she says the seats on the platform are cold, and is not impressed by Switzerland’s reputation for efficient railways!

    Heather – thanks for the email.

    Wendy – sounds a lovely day out.  I hope holiday preparations are completed!

    The days are certainly lengthening at both ends now – and it’s that silly time when the curtains need closing when I am busy with the evening meal!  Quiet day tomorrow, before a few days filled with appointments.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Daisy measures day length to when it arrives on her M and S chaise.

    Yes OG all sorted and so excited can't wait till Thursday flight to Bristol then 3 nights Weymouth meet eldest on Sunday for Mothering Sunday with girls in Barnstable. Helicopter Monday and back the following one. 3 nights in Bath and can't wait foe some retail therapy.

    Away 15 days and it seems that Daisy has her special dog walker for 11 of those..

    Haircut tomorrow far too long as I might need a ribbon soon. I did have plaits as a child not a good look when a tomboy!!!