Last night CLARE and others witnessed an intruder event which took EJ off the nest, leaving the eggs uncovered for 18 minutes in the rain.
This video is quite long, I started out including changes of light on the nest, then saw that fly-bys could be seen if you keep your eyes peeled from 1100hr-ish.
(I tried to link the relevant post but it's not worked, so here's the video.)
DAYCAM 0501hr - 10 minutes later than yesterday, IIRC :-?
Poor EJ, soggy again:
FISH !!!!
Fish @ 0543hr:
It got buried in nest material on landing:
Odin flew round and round, teasing! Or showing off, more like ;-)
A couple of shots of Odin looking magisterial, for LIMPY. Hair plastered down by the rain, I'm afraid ;-)
Morning all
I hadn't noticed before the darker patch on Odin'n breast He used to be pure white Has he grown some darker feathers or is he just a bit grubby?
(c) Loch Garten Ospreys
Good morning, all - nice to read that Odin has brought his beloved a fish at an early hour.
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Morning CLARE :-) That fish was a nice surprise!
patily said:I hadn't noticed before the darker patch on Odin's breast
I noticed it too, but sometimes it shows up more than others.
EJ the Beautiful is back:
Well, the picture has changed very little since this morning:
It is raining on and off. Let's hope the nice weather is saving itself for when the eggs start hatching.
Hello CLARE Was just coming to post a pic myself as this thread seems to have been neglected sine your post this morning
Good sign really that so little has changed Further proof that all is well
Bit of excitement then when a beetle walked over the lens LOL
Such a pity that now we get no views of the nearby tree Perhaps Odin is sitting in it right now