DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten nest ~ Monday, 9 April 2018

First of all, the cam went down around 3:30 pm and we don't know why yet.

Second of all, the committed VC volunteer Les made sure to respond to concerns about EJ's mateless condition, that few birds have been seen of late, presumably because of the nasty spring weather in Western Europe recently. And, just to put his money where his mouth is, CRinger has his hat ready to be grilled and duly consumed at the same time applying to become a space astronaut if not a one male has had the sense to hook up with our Beautifulnessnessnessness EJ by May 1.

And a new BLOG was published on wait times between arrival dates on the Loch Garten nest.

I can't help but post a beautiful shot of EJ's underwing by Moffer yesterday. _______________________________________
The Daily Update thread is for recording nest events only—any questions or conversations can happen on the Osprey Chat thread. Thank you!

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