Very super quick round up as we've had our team meeting all morning and John and I have been out all afternoon getting very wet and muddy but our fishing technique has drastically improved..... 

I'm in all weekend (trying to beat Dan's daily VC total) so will do my best to flesh this out before I head into the centre. 

So, highlights this week.

Firstly we'll start with our lingerers from last week. The Great Northern Diver at Freiston remained till the 26th, while both the 2 Scaup and 5 Snow Bunting made appearances all week on the Frampton reedbed. Our 4 European White-fronted Geese remained among the masses (15,000+!!) of plovers and wildfowl on Marsh Farm and the 2 Bewick's and 38 Whooper Swans continue to be seen from Swanholme Lane. A big thank you to Phil Hyde for reading the ring numbers of 2 Whoopers and forwarding those details on to us. Yellow ring black code BXy and BYD are a male and female pair that were rung as adults in Iceland on the 27th of August last year. This is the first time they've been seen since they were rung and hopefully they'll be around for a few more weeks before they return to the north.

Raptors performed once again this week, the highlight being a distant Rough-legged Buzzard on the morning of the 28th. With such an expanse of Saltmarsh out there it is always worth spending time scanning the area on a visit as you never know what might be lurking. During our search for the buzzard we found no less than 5 different Marsh Harriers.

Also seen this week were two Hen Harriers on the 25th and a stunning over North Scrape on the 30th, a pristine adult winter Mediterranean Gull at the same location a few hours earlier and a Jack Snipe in the ditch running out from the double gates on the Road's Farm wet grassland. 

Big heads up this weekend for high tides. The tide charts show an early start could well be on the cards with a high of 7.8m at 07:00 and 07:40 on Saturday and Sunday respectively.  

Finally a big thank you to those that provided feedback after I asked for some input last week. Really appreciate you taking the time to let me know about the blog and glad to hear no-one thinks I'm doing a terrible job..... yet.

Enjoy your weekend and good birding

The more you're out the more you see -