Hello, here are the sightings from OM today....

Wath Ings - a large flock of golden plover and lapwing, a curlew sandpiper, 23+ ruff, 22 black tailed godwit, 4 green sandpiper, 18+ dunlin, 2 little egret, 2 grey herons, cormorant fly overs, a distant green woodpecker, a distand jay, 2 linnets and a sparrowhawk.

Wader Scrape - wigeon, little grebes, little egret, mallards, Canada and greylag geese, cormorants, starlings, mallards...

Near the Wader Scrape hide on a post... this beautifully fresh looking red admiral... 

Also near the Wader Scrape hide was a female migrant hawker eating a snack... you can't quite see it from this pic but at the top, are disappearing insect legs :)

Field Pool West - 4 little grebes, mute swans, wigeon, mallards, 2 shovelors...and a quite enormous carp that jumped out of the water several times as if it were pretending to be a dolphin... We were so gobsmacked at this sight that nobody managed to take a photo....it'll soon be fished away... ( Matthews reedbed blog).

A willow tit was seen on Green Lane and a wheater was seen from the Family Hide.

There were sightings from Megan, (aged 8) - pigeon, magpie, starling and male and female pheasants... thanks Megan!

There were goldfinches seen eating the teasel form the Tree Sparrow farm and a flock of long tailed tits was around the visitor centre.

I also saw a speckled wood butterfly, common darters and male migrant hawkers...

Feel free to add anything else that you saw if you visited today :)