Our team - Brian, Rolf and Jack (9) are busy outside getting the kit in place for our attempt to live stream nightingales (picture of a nightingale, above) from the RSPB's Nature Reserve at Northward Hill in Kent. The reserve is sandwiched between the proposed site for a four runway airport and another proposal for 5000 houses. Tonight it's the latter proposal that is most in our minds as the plan for Lodge Hill would see the end of the best site in England (thus the UK as they only nest in England) and the only Site of Special Scientific Interest designated for nightingales - here's more.
It's still early evening and the day-time singers are still performing cuckoo and lesser whitethroat, blackbird and whitethroat, robins and wrens all making themselves heard ... let's hope the nearest nightingale feels the challenge to start singing as the evening quietens! At our run through we had a few minutes of song early, then a gap then more song ... then a very long gap. That's nature for you!
This is the place to come from 19:30 (20:00 is when we hope to start streaming).
Preparations under way!
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