Osprey fishing at Arlington Reservoir, East Sussex this morning.

Hi Folks

Just got back in from Arlington reservoir in East Sussex after having a pleasant hour watching an Osprey fishing and resting for an hour before eventually catching a large trout which it flew off towards the North and appeared to land in a woodland on a hill. I got there at 09.15 and first saw the Osprey at 09.20 meaning I had to wait a whole 5 minutes good job I'm patient, the sky was grey with very light rain at times and a strong wind coming from the South West. The Osprey was fishing where Mike had told me he had seen it when he was there so thanks for the "heads up" on that Mike I hoped that it would come towards me as the water was calmer away from the dam

Sure enough several times it came to my side of the water as I had not had the time to get to the dam before seeing it, so as it got closer I spent a lot of time ages watching it through the binoculars as the bad light was not helping with photos. After about 40 minutes it rested on a couple of fence posts at the dam end before flying across the water as a walker got close to it, it eventually caught a fish around 10.15 and as I already said it flew off North, looking on Google it could well have been either Mill Wood or possibly Beatons Wood.

Anyway here's a few poor photos plus a video of it fishing it looks like it caught a fish as it was strugging to get out of the water and when it did lift off it was fish-less.

Distant shot of the Osprey on the opposite side of the reservoir to me sat on a fence post having a rest.

Not the best pictures I'm afraid but at least you can see it was successful in the end.

Regards Shane


My Photos in Flickr.