What are you doing this Christmas? Are you buying most of your stuff online or hitting the high streets to battle through the crowds?
Most of my shopping has been online, and when it hasn't been it's been pre-ordered online for store collection lol I do the majority of shopping online now, possibly because it is at least a 30-40 minute drive to get to somewhere where it is possible to do some half-decent shopping!
I'm not overly fond of shopping as it is so try to avoid it as much as possible!
Millie & Fly the Border Collies
Kezmo, sorry still laughing. You should write that as a script for a sit-com and people would say, 'but that wouldn't happen in real life'.
Thought I was being a Grumpy Old Woman these days, being fed up now with the endless 3 for 2, or 2 for the price of 1 offers. Have several times been red faced at being pushed into going back for another item, when you can feel all those eyes in the queue boring into you...
2 years ago, went to another town several miles away, especially so that I could get 'extra points on my card' at Boots. Did extra shopping in there, with lots of small items for Christmas stockings as well as the large ones, then had a nice conversation with the dear old girl at the till: when I got home, she hadn't given me any points at all, never mind extra ones!! All that journey for nothing.... aaaagh!
Oh Lindybird - soul destroying - I definitely feel your pain sister!
I'm trying not to laugh........Ok I failed, sorry. Titter.
Oh Kezmo! A (small) part of me feels great sympathy for you after a day like that but the other (larger) part of me found your story so flippin' funny!! I too have to add my apologies but it's just the way you tell them! The 'cooking fat' reminded me of a very VERY rude 'fairy story' someone once gave me...
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
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Oooh MarJus - quick post it on my page.........I won't tell a soul!