Now I'm really angry an propose to cancel RSPB membership!!! immediately!!

I thought Kate posted well and started a thread hoping that things would quieten down.

I have never responded to the pest and have supported patience in getting this thing sorted.

What happened ?- the post was immediately locked - I think that is incompetent abuse by poorly educated autocracy!!!!!

"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake

  • Unknown said:
     My vote is just to carry with what this site does well - exchanging advice, comments and our support and knowledge of birds and their habitats.

    That is what I would like as well and will contribute to as much as I can. But this weekend has just been the tipping point.

    I don't know if it is because I have been critical of the moderation on this site previously but I am stunned about how why my previous thread was locked so quickly especially in comparison to what had been posted over the weekend.

     I have the Cairngorm National Park nearby and a super Montrose Basin plus a lovely river on my doorstep. RSPB won't be getting a financial contribution from me in the future.

    "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake

  • ClaireM said:
    RSPB won't be getting a financial contribution from me in the future.

    So one small victory for this "Pigeon" person then..... 

    Trolls' raison d'être is to foment discord and stimulate forum contributions they find amusing. Usually they get bored in the end.

    Somehow I can't get excited about thread locking. Life's too short..........


    Every day a little more irate about bird of prey persecution, and I have a cat - Got a problem with that?

  • Claire,

    I've never had a cross word with you before, but I find it bit bizarre that you are quitting the WHOLE of the RSPB because of the moderation on these forums?

    It is, of course, your prerogative.


    Death - Terry Pratchett (The Last Continent).

  • Exactly Ponty you castigate me for a different opinion and defend snake saying they have done nothing wrong.Cannot see how you can defend snake and the way this forum is moderated at the moment.People being thrown off for minor things and snake still here for what appears even bad enough for police investigation.You probably even think this more abusive than snake,incredible.

  • Through all this arguing Pigeon or Snake is actually winning.




  • Unknown said:
    I've never had a cross word with you before, but I find it bit bizarre that you are quitting the WHOLE of the RSPB because of the moderation on these forums?

    It is, of course, your prerogative.



    What I am trying to say is that the RSPB, in my view only of course, have got some priorities wrong. Therefore I am not willing to give financial support unless or until it listens to its members.

    I mentioned previously that the Organisation seems to set great store by its online presence but at the same time is not willing to listen to the aspirations of its online viewers. And maybe that is just the tip of the iceberg.

    "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 25/07/2011 06:32 in reply to ClaireM

    Duplicate post - looking into matter with my Broadband provider now LOL!!!


  • I don't think anyone expects the team of moderators to be monitoring the forum 24/7 especially when they are not working. The main issue seemed to be that there was no way for ordinary members to alert anyone in authority of what was going on. I would have thought it was possible to have a rota people who were on call to deal with a serious problem if trusted members could contact them. Alternatively, it may be possible to alert them automatically when the "abuse" button is used.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • I echo TJ's thoughts, as this is what I have been saying all along. All we need are a few trusted members to volunteer to be available out of hours on a rota system with the facility to contact an "on call" Moderator instantly and directly should there be any trouble. This sounds so simple to me. But what do I know!

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • It could be even simpler..........I think all that's needed, is for one of the regular moderators to check from time to time, whether there are any new abuse reports - from any user. If suddenly there's a flurry of them, and all about the same poster, it should be clear that something is up - and the moderator then needs to log in and take action.