Now I'm really angry an propose to cancel RSPB membership!!! immediately!!

I thought Kate posted well and started a thread hoping that things would quieten down.

I have never responded to the pest and have supported patience in getting this thing sorted.

What happened ?- the post was immediately locked - I think that is incompetent abuse by poorly educated autocracy!!!!!

"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake

  • Unknown said:

    As I mentioned in my post, we'll be thinking about how we deal with these kinds of problems. I can't fix them immediately. Sorry.

    Quite. Things take time.

    But, Miss Fuller, when the decisions have finally been made, just for a change we would like to hear why the decisions which are made have gone that way.

    If you and your colleagues at the coal face don't have time to keep us informed, then it would be nice, just for a change, for someone in a senior position to take the time to go over it with us. Perhaps you'd like to pass that on?



    Seriously thinking about trying harder!

  • Unknown said:

    I agree with you Claire



    I think we all do

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Unknown said:
    You wanted it sorted .. it was sorted .. not sure what else you want?

    Yes,Ponty, the posts were deleted - but that is not the thing that needs sorted. It goes much deeper than that. Quite honestly I'm fed up with the RSPB's stance on a few issues. Time to leave.

    "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake

  • Unknown said:
    You wanted it sorted .. it was sorted .. not sure what else you want?

    What we want is action to make sure that this sort of thing is stamped on at the earliest opportunity. I'm not sure you realise how angry many of us are about the foul and abusive language that was directed at individual members. What we don't want is that is this is "swept under the carpet" as an temporary inconvenience



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Unknown said:

    I'm not trying to gag you. There have already been more than 130 posts about Pigeon, his posts and various suggestions of how we might deal with problems like this.

    Does anyone really want to talk Pigeon all evening? Wouldn't it be better to talk about wildlife?

    As I mentioned in my post, we'll be thinking about how we deal with these kinds of problems. I can't fix them immediately. Sorry.

    Hi Katie,

    If, as I suspect you are dealing with this unsupported,then it is just proving our point! We are not talking now about 'that person' but about how our forums are being run and a lot of what we are saying is actually wanting to give you the support you so obviously need outside office hours! 

    Please don't take it personally.

    We want this to work better for everyone! 


    God gave us two ears and one mouth for a very good reason!

  • We all want the Community to run smoothly, too!

    We already have dozens and dozens of posts to read from Community members on this topic (many agreeing with each other). I know it's annoying when someone like Pigeon pops up, and I'm sorry if people are angry that I've locked some threads. But if everyone carries on talking about the P-word all evening, then he's achieved his aim.

    Working out what to do in the future is a bigger job than I can do right now. I suspect that some of the suggestions won't be possible for technical reasons, but whatever we do it'll require much careful consideration. And yes, I'm sure we'll keep you informed as to what's happening.

  • Unknown said:
    What we don't want is that is this is "swept under the carpet" as an temporary inconvenience

    No we don't. We need to know that measures have been put in place to ensure that it can never happen again.

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Unknown said:
    But if everyone carries on talking about the P-word all evening, then he's achieved his aim.

    Kate, I never mentioned the P word - today or yesterday - but you were extremely quick to lock the thread. Why?

    "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake

  • How come Snake can still post and his posts have not been removed as well.

    The mods need to get a grip,giving threats to such as myself for suggesting it is cruel feeding live mealworms to birds and not having anything in place to stop abuse like pigeons.saying it has been removed what more do we want is ridiculous we want assurances it will not happen in future as things put in place immediately to prevent this sort of thing.Locking a thread frankly is absolutely ridiculous and do not blame Katie as feel sure she was told to do that but it only means to avoid the lock you start another thread.Now sadly we have lost a valuable contributer Claire.Do hope the mods big enough to apologise to her and hope Claire accepts and stays on forum.We seem to have had enough problems lately with less people on the forum and cannot afford to lose them through poor moderation.

    Perhaps even snake will get Good Egg award for giving the information that it was their son.Surely the best excuse for there own behaviour ever,must think we are wet behind the ears.

  • ClaireM said:

    Kate, I never mentioned the P word - today or yesterday - but you were extremely quick to lock the thread. Why?

    I wouldn't like to speculate on that one, Claire. After all, I had a whole post deleted the other week because I was "speculating" on the reason for the slow site. We are not allowed to speculate any more.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr