Swift Diary 2024

Been an 'unconventional' season so far. Two adults arrived end of first week of May. Straight in the box. Very low key for weeks after that, with only occasional sightings, and unlike previous two years, several days of 'screaming' from inside the box. Then last week, regular sightings of an adult flying out of the box. From seeing once every few days to five times in one day....despite having other things to do with my time. Yesterday, a 'pack' of often 4 swifts started approaching the house, checking out martin nests as well as the occupied swift nest. Today it's cranked up further. Had to shut the bedroom window as swifts were getting close to coming in. Came eyeball to eyeball with one of them!

I am assuming at least one is an immature bird. Fledged a youngster in each of the last two years, so one or both could be back this year to see about future nesting options.

Photo below is of one of the 'invaders'. One did get in and a fight broke out inside the box. I could here the battle and after a minute or so, half a swift hanged out the box before it then broke free. They tried again and the photos are from that attempt. An adult was inside throughout. Hopefully it's the 'owner' and any swiftlet that might have been in there is undamaged.

Note the quite pale top of the head of the invader.

  • The adult parent pair in Bolton back in for 8th overnight stay but reports of many 'bangers' which they call opportunistic adults who have not bred checking for empty nestboxes to take over ... too late for eggs but pair-bonding for return next year as I understand it!  Still all new for me, learning on the job!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr