Bird count results 2024

Calm and sunny, so got on with it. Missed the usual magpie(s), nuthatch and most of the wood pigeons. Reasonable list even though I don't feed the birds, and managed to get 3 robins by going outside and listening to where they were, before spotting each.

House Sparrows 8 (though a lot more)

Blue tit 3

Great tit 3

Coal tit 1

Blackbird 3

Robin 3

Dunnock 2

Carrion Crow 1

Bullfinch 2 (as per photo and females who'd been around, didn't want to take part in the count minutes later. One male was still eating the buds an hour later).

Goldfinch 1

Wood pigeon only 1 in the hour

Bullies were at the far end of the garden and photo taken from indoors. That is my excuse!