History seems to be repeating itself

Referring to the deletion of Robbo's and Alan's accounts it seems it's about to happen again!!  Longtime contributor Hazy, who has been on a fifteen month break due to health problems, has tried to return only to find these messages from RSPB ... I will post copies of her emails to me as she is currently prevented from doing so herself .... I have also sent email to HQ in support and bringing up the question of her being flagged maliciously during the Peewit affair, you may remember that this abusive poster was trying to track down a certain Hazel Jacobson who she held responsible for her being banned all those years ago??  ****Morning Wendy,

Sorry to send another message but I just tried to post up a message on the forum for the first time in 15 months and received this automated response from RSPB  the minute I pressed post.   !     .>…….

Dear HAZY:

Your forum thread, Brief hello from Hazy but maybe a long goodbye !, in The Tea Rooms was flagged by other users as inappropriate and doesn't appear on the site right now.

Reason: The author is identified as abusive.

Please help us keep the community content safe and enjoyable for everyone. If you feel your content shouldn't be hidden from the site, please let us know. You can use this form to appeal the finding before 28 Jan 2024 9:08 AM, and we'll promptly review it.

The computer system at RSPB has one heck of a glitch in it when it can flag people up during a long absence  LOL.  !!!      you have to laugh if it wasn’t so ridiculous.          Please feel free to let others on the community know what has happened (I have copied the post I tried to put up on the community ). as I fear it will keep happening to people like Robbo, Alan and myself.     Do wonder what is going on when the software is causing these bizarre false flaggings and messages from rspb.         Here’s me ready to return after your kind persuasion only to find I’m locked out of the community LOL.  !!!       Deadline tonight but nobody at rspb seems to be receiving the appeals and it just keeps saying account due to be deleted.  ****
This is the message Hazy wished to post to all forum members

Hello forum friends and hope this message finds you all well and continuing to enjoy your birding adventures.       After a long break from the forum and lovely off community catch ups with some of you I signed back in after 15 months but still hadn't posted up anything since 2022.     Bizarrely,   I received notification from RSPB that my account was flagged for spam  despite the fact I hadn't even been on the community for a year and quarter !        I have heard that this has happened to others including  Robbo and Alan where their accounts were falsely flagged and deleted so guessing this is some software glitch in the computer system causing problems.      Feel a bit like the post office scandal being accused of something I am innocent of although nothing like the dreadful trauma that those poor post masters/mistresses suffered due to a computer software glitch.       

I do hope to return at some stage but fear my account will be falsely deleted later today despite no wrong-doing LOL   I have submitted an appeal upon receiving the first message from RSPB and they acknowledged receipt of that appeal.    Subsequently, I have received a second message stating ..............

Dear HAZY:

A few days ago we emailed you about your user account. That message was to let you know your account was flagged as inappropriate. You have until 21 Jan 2024 9:23 PM to send us an appeal using this form. Note that if you don't appeal the abusive finding, your account will be permanently deleted on 21 Jan 2024 9:23 PM

I have tried using the form link again to re-submit  but it says I have already submitted my appeal,  hence I can do nothing but sit on "death row"  waiting for my account to be terminated later today  LOL.   

This is what the form link takes me to:     Thank you, your response has been submitted. Your appeal will be reviewed promptly. A decision will be sent to  xxxxx@gmail.com

I have written an email to RSPB querying how I could be flagged up when I haven't been logged in for over 15 months and never posted anything that could be spam or abusive  but I fear nobody is in the office or will see my email until tomorrow which is after the deadline !      To be honest, I am not unduly worried but you do need to be aware that with these weird glitches in the system it can happen to any of you as not sure what triggers these errors.      Maybe it auto-generated the glitch when I signed back in  a week or two ago after such a long time absent - who knows.  !!    

So do take care all of you and sorry if I am unable to get back on to the community to maybe start posting again.    X



 2013 photos & vids here

eff37 on Flickr

  • Clare Bailey said:
    THOMO said:
    Well have you any suggestions how to sort this present situation at the present time

    Yeah.  We need human Mods.

    That is what I would like. But the RSPB seem unwilling to do that. Could the RSPB except unpaid volunteer moferstors. That has been suggested many times over previous years as well. If the RSPB said yes to unpaid volunteers. Would all members of this forum except that. How would the RSPB go about choosing who would be an unpaid volunteer moderator? If the RSPB said no to all of that. What would you like to see happen next. And that has been the case for years now with the  RSPB unwilling to do  any of that mentioned by members of this forum!



  • Hazel b said:
    I though Hazy was a good egg

    She is.  But we had a dreadful poster on here recently (previously known as Blackbird) who kept attacking her and everything has gone pearshaped.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I should add that we still don't know if this is definitely anything to do with
    BB/Bee-eater/Peewit/Kathy&Dave, just an educated guess that it's possible this person has been malicious and just targeted Hazy because of the name, Peewit went on & on about this Hazel Jacobson who she was convinced was the root cause of her being banned all those years ago and was still actively targeting her under a different guise ... our Hazy wasn't even on the forum back then ... I am hoping that RSPB will know for sure who has flagged Hazy for abuse!  Or that it's all a ghastly mistake on their part which they can rectify!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • im afraid I hadnt quiet processed and understood everything so i wrote the name in correctly.

    when I go home for the day then in the evening come back to my residential home  I have to process everything that has happened today even if its just a normal day before my mind can  transition to something else and process new infomation so I usualy have to wait until Iv done that before going on the next activaty  regardless of if its sorting photos or going onto the community on my phone or i pad. otherwise my braim doesnt process everything like it should do. cause i didnt do that my brain wasnt ready  to concentrate and wasnt reasy to process any new infomation. 

    all the infomation got jumbled up and comfused in my head and i wasnt able to process everything properly

    that and back when the banned poster was around she  used to use hazy and hazel enterchangably just to comfuse me so cause wendys post had both hazy and hazel memtioned aswell I got the names and everything mixed up when reading the posts Mike. I was talking about hazy not hazel Jacobson and  I acidently added Jacobson on the end of the name hazy

    its Hazy we are hoping to solve a problom for her to to be able to post

    sorry for the comfusion 

  • Unknown said:
    Clare Bailey said:
    THOMO said:
    Well have you any suggestions how to sort this present situation at the present time

    Yeah.  We need human Mods.

    That is what I would like. But the RSPB seem unwilling to do that. Could the RSPB except unpaid volunteer moferstors. That has been suggested many times over previous years as well. If the RSPB said yes to unpaid volunteers. Would all members of this forum except that. How would the RSPB go about choosing who would be an unpaid volunteer moderator? If the RSPB said no to all of that. What would you like to see happen next. And that has been the case for years now with the  RSPB unwilling to do  any of that mentioned by members of this forum!


    Ian you asked for ideas and the most sensible idea on any Forum is to have good Moderation. It really is the RSPB's duty to supply good moderation on behalf of their Forum Users and making the Fora Members only would not necessarily sort out all these issues. 

    1: I'm quite sure that some RSPB members are quite capable of being rude and abusive especially if someone was to upset them either deliberately or accidentally - remember that written text often loses any nuances that would have been present if the same response had been verbal.

    2: I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure Hazy was and probably still is a member of the RSPB - yet she is under threat from being banned. 

    3: If the RSPB cannot afford to employ moderators, would it not be sensible for them to have a trial phase of volunteer moderators. It certainly wouldn't take an Einstein to work out a handful of people who could be trusted to act as Moderators for a trial period. 

    4: As a last resort the RSPB ought to inform the membership of the status of the Forum Software - is it a case that it is no longer supported by the initial suppliers and is therefore in a gradual death spiral. If so are they looking at a replacement or is this the last iteration of this type of community interaction. Not an ideal solution for everyone but at least people would know the situation but once again the RSPB fail dramatically in the communication and openness stakes.

  • What is really crazy is that we can message Hazy and she can respond although she can't Post. Some Software implementation Slight smile

  • Hazy is still a member of the community  its just that she keeps getting messages her acounts going to be deleated and the date of deleation keeps changing. but Hazy can see our messages and so see any soloutions people say. 

  • Zo Clark said:

    Hazy is still a member of the community  its just that she keeps getting messages her acounts going to be deleated and the date of deleation keeps changing. but Hazy can see our messages and so see any soloutions people say. 

    We know that. However she is prevented from posting to the Forums because she may be a"bad person" but if she wanted to she could send "bad" messages to us all because she is not prevented from doing that. That demonstrates how weak this Software is which was the point of my posting. 

  • To be honest I feel as if the RSPB don’t care about this forum. Are any of the RSPB management or staff ever looking or read any of the forum posts by members of this forum. It seems a very long time since the survey about this forum took place! Absolute silence. Then the changes to the main RSPB website! Promises that the most important areas on the RSPB’s main website would be up and running and to normal by January 2024. Still large parts of the Reserve listings still missing after 6 month. The maps of RSPB reserves are still missing. The events page m haven’t been updated! RSPB Saltholme where holding on the Sunday just gone a big Saltholme anniversary event. No details at all on the.RSPB about that event on the Sunday just gone on the events from RSPB reserves. There is far less detail from the RSPB reserves at present since the upgrade to this new so called refreshed improved RSPB website. The RSPB might call this an improvement. But I would say much less information on the RSPB main website. I could go on about these so called improvements. But I will leave that at present on what  I’ve just posted!



  • WendyBartter said:

    I should add that we still don't know if this is definitely anything to do with
    BB/Bee-eater/Peewit/Kathy&Dave, just an educated guess that it's possible this person has been malicious and just targeted Hazy because of the name, Peewit went on & on about this Hazel Jacobson who she was convinced was the root cause of her being banned all those years ago and was still actively targeting her under a different guise ... our Hazy wasn't even on the forum back then ... I am hoping that RSPB will know for sure who has flagged Hazy for abuse!  Or that it's all a ghastly mistake on their part which they can rectify!

    That was my initial thoughts also.

    Not just Hazel, but also attacking others who had any connection with her, not just publicly, but also via PM.

    I sincerely hope Hazel's situation is resolved quickly, both Hazel and Mike are a superb couple to know and spend time with, which I know many long standing forumites here have had the pleasure of.