Hello all

I just want to wish all the people who know me a Very Happy New Year, I will try and post more photos again this new year, and for starters a little visitor I had in the garden on the 27th Dec.

I was surprised how brave it was when the Starlings appeared.

All the Very Best everyone.

Lot to learn

  • I thought it was a leucistic chaffinch or sparrow?

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • I'm not sure now about Snow bunting, it was just my first thought. Whatever it is, it's a lovely bright colour for the garden.

    Best wishes

    Hazel in Southwest France

  • For it to be a snow bunting, I'd want to know why it's got such a large bill, has pink legs and doesn't have black primaries.
  • Had a go at enlarging pic to see if it helps ...


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Ooops,..... ,sorry I couldn't remember how to get back to my post!!!!!!!!
    Yes I think it is a Snow Bunting, and no I haven't had one before in the garden. A couple of years ago we had a couple down on the beach for a week or so and they looked very similar. Could be wrong though, I often was if you remember me before!!!
    Cheers to everybody, it is good to read through your posts tonight, did I spy a red squirrel Linda in your garden?, you are doing better than me then as I haven't had a visitor for two years now.
    No more pics yet but will keep looking.

    Lot to learn

  • As much as a would love it to be a snow bunting for you Gaynor a dont think it is sadly  :-(

    Ma best guess is leucistic chaffie...might be worth send to the BTO and asking them.

    gaynorsl said:
    did I spy a red squirrel Linda in your garden?

    Oh a wish Gaynor...I was down the Borders taking photos of Red Squirrels  a wee while  back  ;-)

    Mind and bookmark your post now so it's easier to find lol and let us know what the BTO say should you wish to contact them ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • I agree with Linda re it being worth sending to BTO for their views on what species it could be. As others have mentioned prev., when running by BTO staff, always worth leaving it open, i.e. ' spotted an unusual bird. any ideas?' rather than load it with, 'Is this a snow bunting'. Loaded questions risk the 'first level support' replying rather than someone knowledgeable.
  • Thanks Linda and sbnss. I agree that my first diagnosis was wrong, It was evidently blown in on the recent stormy weather we had, and certainly hadn't the black legs of a Snow Bunting. Never mind, it was good to watch it for a while and it brightened up my morning. As did these pics of the two wrens outside the front of my house.......Well I have tried to post but they keep telling me that the size is too big even though I have downsized. Will have to try again another time sorry folk.

    Lot to learn

  • I will have another go now with pics I have just taken

    Cute aren't they.   Let's hope they post.

    Lot to learn

  • OK they accepted two, better than nothing I suppose:-)

    Lot to learn