RSPB going to introduce free admission for under 24s to RSPB reserves from early November 2023 on a two year trial! The Guardian

The RSPB to introduce free admission to RSPB reserves for under 24’s from early November 2023 in a two year trial. From the Guardian Newspaper.



  • I've read about that. On the whole it's a really good idea - our wildlife needs young people to know and care about it.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare Bailey said:
    I've read about that. On the whole it's a really good idea - our wildlife needs young people to know and care about it.

    I can't see it as a good idea. What we need is young people to know and care but invest init as well. By the time they are 24 and are expected to fork out to join the RSPB (or other organisation)  is the very time they are probably thinking about buying a house / getting married / having children and will not welcome an extra expense.

    I'm OK with a discounted membership for anyone in full time education but I'm not sure I can agree with someone that earns more than an Old Aged Pensioner getting free entrance, especially when many of those Old Age Pensioners may have been members in the past but may have had to give up membership in the current economic climate. 

  • I can't see it making much difference.......unless charging becomes more widespread around the country once scannable cards roll out. It will make a bit of a difference at a local level, where there are large reserves. I suspect there aren't that many members between 18-24, or at least not many that are members and pay their own subs.
  • stealthybutnotthatstealthy said:
    I can't see it making much difference

    I can - think about school and college trips.  I can see the numbers of those increasing.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare Bailey said:
    stealthybutnotthatstealthy said:
    I can't see it making much difference

    I can - think about school and college trips.  I can see the numbers of those increasing.

    And that is excellent! Like you Clare, it is an excellent idea! I often criticise any organisation in my opinion are making wrong decisions. But this idea is excellent! More school trips! I wonder if any of the other large conservation organisations that I’m a member of will do the same as well!



  • Clare Bailey said:
    stealthybutnotthatstealthy said:
    I can't see it making much difference

    I can - think about school and college trips.  I can see the numbers of those increasing.


    I don't know how 'groups' get charged other than 'groups of 10+' on the website. But as above, that will only be affected at a local level, if at all. Most reserves don't charge or don't have public access.

  • At my local Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust reserve there are School Trips of well over the number of 10! Numbers at times are well over 20 school children or youth from various school and regularly every day Monday-Friday during the school term on large coaches as well. And the same at my nearest RSPB reserve as well with a charge! There is normally at least one RSPB reserve with an admission charge near to large cities and towns. As well as other large conservation organisations as well. If this encourages other large conservation organisation to start offering free admission to the younger generation because of the RSPB starting to do this it will have done some good!



  • Unknown said:

    And the same at my nearest RSPB reserve as well with a charge! There is normally at least one RSPB reserve with an admission charge near to large cities and towns.


    What is the charge?

    I don't know where you got that information from re your second sentence, unless your definition of 'near' is different to mine.

  • stealthybutnotthatstealthy said:
    THOMO said:

    And the same at my nearest RSPB reserve as well with a charge! There is normally at least one RSPB reserve with an admission charge near to large cities and towns.


    What is the charge?

    I don't know where you got that information from re your second sentence, unless your definition of 'near' is different to mine.

    RSPB Saltholme in the county of Cleveland! Near Doncaster RSPB Old Moor for those that live in Doncaster!! Just two as an example! Even if you don’t have any RSPB reserves with an admission charge. Why wouldn’t you want to allow the under 24’s free admission including school parties at those RSPB reserves which have an admission charge. Even if that was a reason. Would you want the RSPB to allow free admission to those RSPB reserves which have an admission charge for under 24’s! If you don’t agree with free admission for under 24’s at those RSPB reserves with an admission charge! Why not! I live in the Newcastle Upon Tyne area and it’s so easy to visit RSPB Saltholme by bus from Newcastle. Changing at Middlesbrough Bus Station and the bus stops right outside the entrance to RSPB Saltholme!



  • Unknown said:
    stealthybutnotthatstealthy said:
    THOMO said:

    And the same at my nearest RSPB reserve as well with a charge! There is normally at least one RSPB reserve with an admission charge near to large cities and towns.

    RSPB Saltholme in the county of Cleveland! Near Doncaster RSPB Old Moor for those that live in Doncaster!! Just two as an example!


    Out of how many towns and cities? That does not equate to there being "normally at least one RSPB reserve with an admission charge near to large cities and towns".

    Seriously, there is clearly not enough information to go on to form an objective opinion on whether to be in favour or against what the paper is writing about. I have no opinion on whether I'm for or against as I too don't have enough info to go on.....but I've yet to read anything that doesn’t suggest it will have little impact, and only be at a local level.(edited as typo in original post……)