Adult RSPB Membership Cards from September 2023 will have to be scanned where an admission charge or at a RSPB Pay and Display Car Park!

As in the title above. Details below! There will be a gradual launch from September 2023. I knew this was a possibility as I emailed the RSPB around 6 years. The RSPB management said it could take up to 5 years for this to happen. And it has taken slightly longer.



  • I'd like to know how much all of this is going to cost, and whether it can be justified.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare Bailey said:
    I'd like to know how much all of this is going to cost, and whether it can be justified.

    If you’ve registered for the RSPB’s AGM, you can ask that question. Not all questions are answered on the day. But like me if that happen You will get a reply within two weeks as has happened on a few occasions to me. The National Trust do that. Also The Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust have had membership cards that scan for at least 20 years and are a much smaller organisation!



  • Hi-

    I remember decades ago that the RSPB didn't seem to want to HAVE Membership cards-!

    I like the scanable idea :)


    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • Can anyone explain why this keeps happening and when I post reply this happens and then my reply just disappears!



  • Also this happens at times and my replies just disappear again.



  • Do you make sure that you're logged in before you make a reply ... I get logged out from time to time and always have to check!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Two issues, Ian. First one is as per the red msg. You have edited your post and accidentally made the 'quote' unbalanced. Unless you corrected it, it would not have posted.....Secondly, you appear to be using an iPad. I've had issues posting using it too in the last couple (or more) months.
  •  Confirmed that scanning of RSPB membershio cards will start later in 2023! I don’t suppose every RSPB member will have membership cards that will skinned and not all RSPB reserves will have the facilities straight away.



  • Unknown said:
    not all RSPB reserves will have the facilities straight away.

    As per RSPB screen print you provided, only the larger ones. No chance of it being rolled out to every reserve. 

  • Unknown said:

    As in the title above. Details below! There will be a gradual launch from September 2023. I knew this was a possibility as I emailed the RSPB around 6 years. The RSPB management said it could take up to 5 years for this to happen. And it has taken slightly longer.

    we will only find out much later on! I’m still in Lancashire on holiday this week. But I have been talking to the management and staff at Leighton Moss this week as I’ve been birdwatching at that reserve every day since my at my hotel last weekend on Saturday. And I’ve been told that the technology has not yet been installed at Leighton Moss and neither at Saltholme near Middlesbrough in the county of Cleveland. So when it will be launched I don’t know and I don’t know if that will launch in 2023 or 2024. I’ve just posted what I’ve seen today. And I’ve posted what I’ve heard from the Leighton Moss management and staff. I don’t know anymore than anyone else. You could if you so wish register for the 2023 RSPB Annual General Meeting as I suspect you are a member as well, just like me!

