Moving to Mirrorless

Well, I've finally done it, and ordered a new Canon R5.

Some of you may have seen my comments about looking into new cameras and gear in another post, A couple of days by the River Deben in Suffolk, and my apologies to Dave for the unintended hijack so I've set up a new thread to keep folks updated.

To continue from my comments, as many of you will be aware, I've been grounded by my falling apart body, but i've nothing but praise for the nurses, consultants, doctors and anyone else involved it working hard to resolve the situation.

We've all heard the old saying, the devil makes work for idle hands, well, include computer and mouse into that, and I've been researching into mirrorless cameras, which is the future, whether we like it or not.

Me, I'm intrigued and like the concept, but not the costs.....

Why the Canon R5?

Well, first and foremost, my son said go for it!

Some of you may be aware his partner walked out on him eighteen months ago, which almost rendered him homeless. While we would happily have taken him back, after a chat with my wife, his mother, I gave him a large chunk of my savings and agreed to be guarantor for his mortgage. I never gave any repayment terms, but he did ask how much, and has transferred some of the money back to me, enough to cover the R5.

I've been using Canon cameras for many decades, and I feel they are on a par with Nikon and the other big brand names, the only problem is, if you change to another brand, then you need to change all your lenses and other associated kit as well.

My research started with the cost of upgrading and also, many camera manufacturers also offer conversion kits, or adapters, so you can use your existing lenses on the new breed of cameras.

Also, my research shown that could I use my existing lenses, the cable and wireless remotes would work, so will the Speedlite flashgun. The only extra items required are the lens mount adaptor, and the memory cards, which are still the existing SD Card, or, the faster and more capable CF Express card, whereas  the 5D4 will use a Compact Flash card.

Also, the battery pack for the R5 is the same is the 5D4, which I understand is the same as the 5D3.

This appealed.

However, the cost was still going to be steep.

My local postie, who we had for 20+ years, a very friendly chap, I never realised he did wedding photography, and offered to show me his cameras, which are Nikon, and how he managed to make the change to mirrorless.

We both agreed, Nikon, Canon or any of the other big names, you can't really go wrong.

After a very interesting three hours and numerous cuppas, and some time handling his cameras in the garden, and to play safe, I sat down to use them rather than stand and risk falling or dropping them, I was nicely impressed with what I saw.

There are some trade offs and caveats with electronic view vs live view, but I'm not one to be negative. Obstacles are there to be beaten, not beat you.

The one big downside, if it is a downside, is video. The final quality is good, however, when panning a moving subject, there is a noticeable lag. But then I don't do much video, and to be honest, my current 5D4 has some lag, because that in video mode uses the large TTF screen and not the optical viewer, which is live view.

I said obstacles are to be beaten, not beat you.

The video quality is superb, and a bigger plus, the electronic viewfinder shows the same as the large TTF screen, but the big bonus with the EVF, is you block out all the viewing intrusions that using a TTF screen came impose.

There will be more to this no doubt, as I start a new journey mirrorless, and I will be happy to share.

However, it is costly, and to make things more costly than desired, my nearest emporium haven't stock of the R5, so I've had to order from elsewhere, and not being able to go far, that means no trade in of my 5D4, which if I'm honest, I am reluctant to part with.

The new camera is on order, and should be with me in the next couple of days, all I need  is for my leg to sort itself out.

  • Interesting, I always shot in full frame unless I'm using one of my older APS-C lenses, here you do need to use crop mode otherwise vignetting becomes an issue. So much depends on my objectives in taking a photo. All moot at the moment, the monsoon season is here. Have a great time in Cornwall Mike.

    Beachwalker - My favourite occupation as I love exploring my home county and photographing its beauty.

  • I've not been too active the last few days, but a couple of days back, I decided to play around with the manual focus on the Canon R5.

    One thing I miss on DSLR's, which the later film SLR's had, was a split screen to help you focus more clearly, and not something I've seen on my DSLR's, so it was time to experiment, and once again, the R5 has taken me very pleasantly by surprise.

    I would imagine Bob's R3 will have the same, or certainly something very similar to what I'm about the share.

    Once MF was selected, the screen immediately had a display like the one in the photo below. BTW, the photos were found  on the web, because I had no way of photographing the display through the EVF.

    As I rotated the focus ring, the two outer points moved either further away as the image became more blurred, or closer in as the image became clearer

    until the image was more or less on perfect focus, and then it was down to two green arrows pointing vertically at each other and the focus point, the square, also turning green from white.

    The sequence will look something like the image below.

  • You'll also find an option in the menus for Focus Peaking. Turn that on and it will give you a blue/red (or whatever) overlay in the focussed areas when looking through the viewfinder. Very useful with close-up stuff as you can make sure your whole subject is splodged blue before hitting the button


    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • Unknown said:
    You'll also find an option in the menus for Focus Peaking. Turn that on and it will give you a blue/red (or whatever) overlay in the focussed areas when looking through the viewfinder. Very useful with close-up stuff as you can make sure your whole subject is splodged blue before hitting the button

    Many thanks for that info Joe.

    I've still a lot to explore, but that latest find has really made MF more appealing, and I will seek the Focus Peaking setting and utilise it.

  • Hi Mike, I use Focus Peaking on my Sony A7RIII, The EVF is what I prefer to use it feels more like the 35mm SLR cameras I grew up worth. The focus aid appears as dots around the edges of objects (best way I can describe it). I can change the colour. As I manually change focus the dots increase or decrease around the objects in the view finder. It's a little disconcerting at first but actually works. Have to go get my flu jab shortly but if I can take some photos of it in action I'll post them later. You are looking at this phenomenon over the whole scene too which opens up interesting options. Plus You may also have control over sensitivity of this feature as well, More anon and enjoy

    Beachwalker - My favourite occupation as I love exploring my home county and photographing its beauty.

  • "One thing I miss on DSLR's, which the later film SLR's had, was a split screen to help you focus more clearly,"

    I seem to remember that replacement focus screens for DSLR's were/are available. For canon at least.
  • Probably more a "full frame thing", and a "dogs doodah's lens thing" than a "mirrorless thing", but I was astounded yesterday. Mrs PB and I went to Longleat, and on advice from the rangers used my small lens Nikon 105 f2.8 MC instead of my usual "go to" 200-500mm. The detail (considering it was through the Landrovers' window, and distant) when I cropped it was phenomenal....

    Full Frame image, uncropped (just made smaller to fit the sub 4Mb rule)


    As I said, probably a good lens and good camera thing rather than just a mirrorless thing, but still!!

    And it was the lens I went Teeny Weeny with talk about versatile!

  • stunning photo capture and fantastic detail on cropped image; just goes to show using the smaller lens rather than the long zoom brought fabulous results, well done and thanks for sharing, Bet you're still tickled pink when you saw that capture !!


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Thanks Hazel...Yes, absolutely... the long lens just stayed in the boot, I used the 105mm the whole way round.
    Back to the thread now...It was more than one battery required!!
  • be chased by an Amur tiger but which one was it PB...Yana, Red or one of their wains? Lol
    Cracking shot...wheres the rest???

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)