Leighton Moss Meet-up 2022

Hello everyone.  We are hoping to book our holiday cottage for our usual visit to Wales following the Leighton Moss meet-up so which week do folks prefer for meeting at LM--possibly the week of Friday 17 June to Friday 24 June or the week after that, Friday the 24 June to Friday 1 July in 2022?  As previously, we would only be at LM for parts of a few days in whichever week, and I expect some of you would do the same or be there for the whole week--up to you of course.  Please have a quick look at your calendars and post here--because the two weeks following those weeks are still available to book a cottage we like the look of in Wales, and we'd best book something quickly or miss out!  Hope to see everyone this year if possible, and a few new forumates joining us at LM for a meet-up for some of that time would be lovely, too.  Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards, Ann

  • As I decided not to take camera gear this time,  all I can offer you is a short clip taken on the iPhone of one of the LM robins near Sky Tower ....

     listen carefully at the beginning and you will hear a Cetti's warbler !


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Lovely to see that video Hazy, so very peaceful except for the strident tones of the Cetti's Warbler in the beginning !! :-)   I think maybe you should have used your i-phone more, very clear picture it takes.  

    Have your birds returned to your feeders yet?   I was aghast at my garden - so quiet on the day I returned and the following day.   Now I have the Jackdaws back, just one family I think, and one female blackbird that has found the pastry again and this little baby Robin -

    The garden is totally overgrown, but never mind, it promises hot weather this weekend so I will keep the grass long.

    Lot to learn

  • Lovely photo Gaynor,   wonderful to see the young robin in your garden and I'm sure the birds are enjoying their treats again

    gaynorsl said:
    Have your birds returned to your feeders yet?

    I'd left two full feeders, one with sun-hearts and the other with kibbled peanuts and a ground tray (with guardian that only the small birds can access). heaped with the same and after only 5 days there wasn't as much as a kibble left when I returned and they must have "licked" the tray clean.   LOL.        I've since refilled and bought some live mealworms and they are diving in like there was no tomorrow.       interestingly, we had a juvenile G.S. Woodpecker on the balcony rail two days ago although it didn't hang around and a visit from a male sparrowhawk shortly afterwards that came hurtling in spooking us and the blue tits who shrieked out in alarm and as far as I could tell escaped as the sprawk left in an instant.    So far 18 species to the balcony or rail - not bad when I thought we'd only get one or two birds.    


    Regards, Hazel 

  • I'm glad to hear you are still getting so many birds feeding. My neighbour did volunteer to fill up the feeders but I thought maybe the Jackdaws would find pastures new, and as she has a cat that might follow her I thought better of the idea. I am trying to reduce the feeding in the summertime anyhow but hate the silence out there, can't win really :-)

    Lot to learn

  • Fabulous photos everyone, so sorry I couldn't even make the intended day trip up. But, it seems the weather relented for you.

    Paul, I'm tempted to go with pygmy shrew in your pics, (page 5/6, not sure which now), the snout looks a little too long for a common shrew.

    Gaynor, fabulous catch a bittern, out of focus or not, so well done.

  • Thanks Mike, I must have done something right sometime :-) It was a shame you couldn't make it to LM and yes the weather pretty much stayed lovely except for the odd shower which didn't matter too much as the dash to the cafe ended up with lovely cake and coffee !!

    Lot to learn

  • My garden birds were fed and watered daily while I was in LM. I have two rescue pigeons living in an indoor aviary, so they needed fresh water every day as well as having the room swept. One of them has been laying eggs, so she needs a good supply of vitamin D in her water.
    My friends also topped up the outdoor feeders and threw a handful of live mealies into the bushes each day.

    Unicum arbustum haud alit duos erithacos

    (One bush does not shelter two Robins)

    Zenodotus (3rd Century B.C.)


  • Good to hear from you again MC,glad you had a nice trip and meet up with the folks at LM

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • gaynorsl said:
    Thanks Mike, I must have done something right sometime :-) It was a shame you couldn't make it to LM and yes the weather pretty much stayed lovely except for the odd shower which didn't matter too much as the dash to the cafe ended up with lovely cake and coffee !!

    You're welcome.

    Hopefully next year, if they can sort my leg out......

    Oh, and fuel prices.....

  • Well done MC, you had it all organised properly, I didn't realise you were housing two pigeons inside, that must take some commitment, and you say some eggs have been laid, are they sterile or will you be expecting youngsters to add to your brood?

    Lot to learn