Some thoughts on covid 19 restrictions

ASs some regulars may know I sometimes have a few health problems that at times restricts my access to the countryside so many of the restrictions that we have endured, and are still enduring, do not feel strange to Chris and myself. My immune system is pretty shot up at times so I'm quite good at avoiding numbers of people, I'm maybe not as anti social as it seems, and I've never been a lover of shopping unless its books. When we were recommended to shield in our own homes we actually realised we could walk the riverside fields with permission from the owners and had little chance of meeting anyone so we felt quite happy there. When restrictions eased we have four small nature reserves within a couple of miles of home with plenty of space to avoid close contact but still both watch birds and talk about birds with others doing the same, quite a little anti social bird club we are. There has been good birds aplenty and as winter has drawn closer the wintering Thrushes arrived we have been doing counts on them. One of our local reserves has got a wonderful Starling murmuration,60,000 birds at least, which we managed to social distance the grandsons to. We have found by visiting the busiest of the reserves late afternoon most birders have gone home and we enjoy the spectacle of birds going to roost. We do miss visiting our local moorland but they are outside the 3 mile radius we put on ourselves, they will still be there when all this is over and we settle down to our new normal. Because I am in that at risk category we seem to be swimming in hand sanitiser but Chris keeps an eye on what I get up to. I just hope other folk are coping as well as us and getting the support we have been getting, take care out there we will beat this lot somehow.


Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Good news for us, whilst I had my 1st jab almost 2 weeks ago Chris got hers booked for this weekend,she is a bit younger than me hence the time gap. It's good news as due my various problems she acts as my carer most of the time. Good work NHS


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • That is good news, Pete.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Great news about the vaccine roll out to you and hope I hear soon as I should squeak into the 65 group by end of the month. I was talking with my Aunt who is 80 and she said he had slight flu type side affects with the Ox/AZ first dose which lasted about 36 hours. She's absolutely fine and really happy she's had the first round of protection as even the side affects were nothing compared with what this deadly virus could do to you. Good luck all, I'll let you know when I get my call up papers LOL


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Just to confirm that Limpy had the Pfizer vaccine this afternoon, and he is absolutely fine. If anyone reading this still has doubts - if a disabled war pensioner with Parkinson's disease and long-term morphine dependence (not his fault) can safely have the vaccine I think anyone can.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Well done Limpy, really pleased to hear you have had your first vaccine and have been ok with it.


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Nice one Limpy


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Very good news, Limpy, and Clare, fingers crossed that you will have yours very soon!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Unknown said:
    Clare, fingers crossed that you will have yours very soon!

    Limpy did actually try to get them to vaccinate me at the same time.  They checked to see if there were any spare doses, but there weren't - they then had to spend a few minutes calming him down as he was getting the hump and even threatened to walk out at one point.  Thankfully he calmed down enough to be given his jab but he still wasn't happy that I will have to wait for mine - I'm not worried about my wait, there are people who need it much more than I do.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Awh! Clare bless you, Poor Limpy,I can appreciate how distressing for him,
    sadly them rules,seem to be being strictly applied as you say. It does seem daft that like other sectors,when if in close contact,it would benefit all,if could be vaccinated, at same time..
    Fingers crossed you will keep safe.

    Hopefully with increased supplies it wont be too long.

    Take care


  • Hope you get your invite soon Clare and that Limpy is okay after having had his, and he has no side effects. I get mine on Saturday am, I am not 60 yet so was delighted, yesterday hubby had his invite later for pm on Saturday, going to see if we can get them together to save us both doing a double 20 mile round trip. Take care both.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.