Bad pics of fab wildlife :)

Just because there's way too much great photography on this site...!

You know the feeling. You only got one or a few photos of it and they're not very good, but you can't bear to throw the photos away because they're all you have of that particular species. So you keep them, just until you get better ones :) We've managed to 'upgrade' some of the species below since these bad pics were taken, but not all...

Please join in! I can't be the only one who hordes terrible wildlife photos :)

Collared Flycatcher



and best (worst) of all, Nightjar!

  • ujoz said:

    Im not even going to tell you what this one is. I think I'll enter it for one of Seymour's quizzes. I think it's what is called motion blur.



    Is it a Brown Pelican??? Tee hee




    Think it must be a 'road runner' :)



    It looks more like a disgusting 1970's wallpaper to me!!! LOL


    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Taken on the phone ..... the new visitors who still come every day:)

    Taken last year when I thought it would be a good idea to keep his feeding away from the birds ....... wrong - every time he ran out of food he would tap on the window!!!!!  You will see by the next pic that he got quite friendly with the puss cats.

    What is this life if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare ........

  • I've enjoyed looking at this thread - glad I'm not the only one to produce the out of focus and the blurred!  here is one of a robin taken on Sunday - my OH's expensive camera and lens and what do I get - a drunken robin!   I


    (though I do have one half decent one)



    see my photos on Flickr

  • Ahhh Maggy - he certainly looks as though he has had a one toooooo many - you really must stop soaking those seeds in brandy!!!!! :)

    What is this life if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare ........

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 22/10/2010 15:37 in reply to TeeJay

    Hi Sheena

    That explains it.

    The difference between a Stoat and a Weasel is that the Stoat can be more solidly built and has a black tip to its tail.



  • hi aiki, where did you take the collared flycatcher, as my first was in cyprus, the flying

    perigrine is brilliant. bes

    aiki said:

    Just because there's way too much great photography on this site...!

    You know the feeling. You only got one or a few photos of it and they're not very good, but you can't bear to throw the photos away because they're all you have of that particular species. So you keep them, just until you get better ones :) We've managed to 'upgrade' some of the species below since these bad pics were taken, but not all...

    Please join in! I can't be the only one who hordes terrible wildlife photos :)

    Collared Flycatcher



    and best (worst) of all, Nightjar!

    t regards mac

  • Couldnt resist sticking these in :)


    a very dizzy whooper swan


    thats a drake gadwall and female mallard - honest!

    Thats what happens when you birdwatch in the dark!




    "dawn is mine, but I will share it, with whatever bird will wear it"

  • Fab picture El!!!! I have a few of those!

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Didn't quite get this one right, although I rather like the movement blur on this Long tailed tit



    Kind regards,


    "Remove nothing from nature except; Nourishment for the soul; Consolation for the heart; Inspiration for the mind"

    Visit my galleries here.

  • A Galapagos Hawk photographed, funnily enough, in the Galapagos. Would have looked great if it hadn't of looked to the left as I pressed the shutter:

    Could be used as a caption competition :)

    Cheers, Graham