Bad pics of fab wildlife :)

Just because there's way too much great photography on this site...!

You know the feeling. You only got one or a few photos of it and they're not very good, but you can't bear to throw the photos away because they're all you have of that particular species. So you keep them, just until you get better ones :) We've managed to 'upgrade' some of the species below since these bad pics were taken, but not all...

Please join in! I can't be the only one who hordes terrible wildlife photos :)

Collared Flycatcher



and best (worst) of all, Nightjar!

  • Hi Paul,

    Must admit I've seen better peacocks!!

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 18/09/2010 03:14 in reply to Sparrow

    Hi Paul

    Where is the Peacock and the feathers LOL

    Just a feather zone going on here


    Kathy and Dave

  • hi sparrow that was the best one of the three pics! too embarassed to show the other two! that was too easy anyway, try & spot my green woodpecker.......

  • Unknown said:

    Here are a few more howlers from me :)


    This is a squirrel - blurriness courtesy of my dog pulling on his lead!


    Woodland walk - more dog-induced blurriness!!


    And this, a newly discovered creature - a hybrid deer/hay bale - I was dead chuffed to see one of these in the wild!! It's joined by two of its regular non-hybrid cousins.


    Well the squirrel photo isnt too bad, the Blair witch project photo is making me dizzy but the deer pic is obviously an Andrex advert taken when the labrador puppy was on holiday





    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • I love this thread.  All of my photos are much worse than these but I can't bear to delete them either ;)

    Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children.  We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors: we borrow it from our children.

  • Ok so the baby was not that bad but this one ..... popped over to my parents on saturday and always glance into our field when passing and there only a matter of feet away, grazing on something in a pile of chippings were 3 beautiful little deer (you can see the pile just on the left of pic) .... stopped...window open....grabbed phone - and .....

    What is this life if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare ........

  • Wow, that's even better than my "deer with a bale of hay for a head" picture! ;)


    ujoz said:

    Ok so the baby was not that bad but this one ..... popped over to my parents on saturday and always glance into our field when passing and there only a matter of feet away, grazing on something in a pile of chippings were 3 beautiful little deer (you can see the pile just on the left of pic) .... stopped...window open....grabbed phone - and .....


  • Hi All

    What a fantastic thread.

    I must admit that I could post many thousands off images here which would be as amusing as my fellow forum members.

    Although the images may not be totally perfect I would say at least you've got an image to remind you of your sighting.


  • rhodopsin said:

    Hi All

    What a fantastic thread.

    I must admit that I could post many thousands off images here which would be as amusing as my fellow forum members.

    Although the images may not be totally perfect I would say at least you've got an image to remind you of your sighting.


    Well Richard, I am sure that in years to come when the memory is fading and eyesight is going I will look at my photo of the 3 deer and think ........ why on earth did I take that photo of an open gate!! and where on earth was it???? lol

    PS your photos are stunning as are quite a few members photos so lets see a few more of the bad ones posted here to give us snappers a giggle

    What is this life if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare ........

  • Polecat ferret...

    Yes, really it is!

    And here he is in the can!

    BTW, his name is Hobnob, and he lives in the feed room at my stables with his pal, Choccy Chip, but it is Hobnob who always escapes and tosses his bedding all over the floor!

    And he even closes his cage door behind him when he escapes!

    'Heaven doesn't want me and the devil's afraid I'll take over.'