Bad pics of fab wildlife :)

Just because there's way too much great photography on this site...!

You know the feeling. You only got one or a few photos of it and they're not very good, but you can't bear to throw the photos away because they're all you have of that particular species. So you keep them, just until you get better ones :) We've managed to 'upgrade' some of the species below since these bad pics were taken, but not all...

Please join in! I can't be the only one who hordes terrible wildlife photos :)

Collared Flycatcher



and best (worst) of all, Nightjar!

  • Unknown said:

    Aiki: "I'm worried that the standard of photos in this thread is starting to creep up :(  "

    Worry no more, I can be relied upon to bring down the standard anytime. :-)




    It's Spot the Dog.

    The Squirrel was called Tufty (although I have to admit Tufty was a Red Squirrel )

    Pip  lol xx




    PIPIT:  I remember Tufty!......wasn't there a Tufty Club? I have a vague recollection of a programme on Sunday teatime. Any help with the vague memories would be gratefully received. Was it something to do with road safety and was there a secret sign?...........or am I going completely doo-lally?

    Sorry, I am creating a diversion again but I just have to know.

    This thread is fab. I am sitting here, on my own, chuckling away. Aiki, you are a genius :-))

    Kind regards Jane.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 05/09/2010 16:00 in reply to Anonymous

    Unknown said:



    The Squirrel was called Tufty (although I have to admit Tufty was a Red Squirrel )

    Pip  lol xx



    Pip x

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 05/09/2010 16:40 in reply to Anonymous

    Spot the Shrike in the distance!!!.  Picture taken at Menorca 2010


    Kathy and Dave

  • Great, original thread. First can i say ROBERT. PURPLE HERON! oh my god i'm so jealous. Plus so many others infact but theres far too many to name.

    Anyway mine are The long tail that got away


    and this one i don't actualy know myself, at the time i thought Sparrow hawk as they hang about in that area, and it was Sparrow hawk sized but when i look at th pic it looks like no bird i know lol. It's coniferous woodland if that helps.

  • Hiya CJ ... Your second photo looks very much like a Jay to me !



    If its no fun Yer no doin it right!

  • 'Fuzzy Ducks' (doesn't even help if you squint). I remember vividly taking this pic. The wall I had to look over came up to my shoulders (I'm 5' 3" tall) and was 18" wide. So there I am lying across the top of the wall, bum in the air, legs flailing for counter balance,  trying to snap  these ducks 10ft below. (I'm thinking I may be joining them for a swim if I am not careful). God knows what passers-by thought.



    Two heads are better than one.

  • Unknown said:

    Hiya CJ ... Your second photo looks very much like a Jay to me !




    Thanks alot Al, a think your right :)

  • This would have been a good shot (IMHO) except for the fuzziness. I liked the pattern the water was making - and the colour on the Mallard's wing was startling! Very fresh.



  • Had to just snap and go - would have loved to spend hours snapping away but did not want to disturb him ..... one of those catch your breath moments.

    What is this life if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare ........

  • Ujoz, I dont agree that this is a bad photo, it is gorgeous. I do agree about a "catch your breath moment" and about not disturbing him. :-)  This belongs on Robert's Just Photos, No Comments thread I think.

    Mind you, I am just glad you posted it, a real uplifting moment. Thank you. 


    Kind regards Jane.