Swallow found unable to stand, it crawls and tries to fly

Im in Greece and found a swallow that crawls on its belly as it cant stand, and flaps its wings but cant fly.

Vet told me after giving it a jab its not with broken wings but an exhausted migration bird.

Its 5 days now im caring by hydrating with a syringe and making a bird meal pulp with water and gentle force feeding because it doesnt eat or drink what is put down.

I have been given bird rescue numbers in Greece but the mobiles are disconnected, voluntary rescue Samaritans.

Im wondering if maybe this bird has serious problem that it cant stand but crawls on its belly. Can it be exhausted that it cant stand up?

Its very trusting that i dont need to wrap my hand around its wings and sits or hangs on quite happy.

Feathers in good order.

Any suggestions?


  • I was googling specialist help swift birds and I though why not try registering and see if anyone can help ))))

    I actually was also looking for diet suppliers in UK to have shipped over to Greece.

    Asking for even just dried or frozen insects I was given the crazy english man stare...lol

    The links for swift caring given by Alan all those links are fabulous with powerful info like the wing measurements that helped with the determination of what stage this bird had got to in development. The facts regarding the diet and consequences of fatal rearing and release if not followed were surprising to read. I could have started force feeding ground seeds, fly maggots ect and to the detriment of the survival chances for the bird.
  • copy of email latest update...


    The swift arrived well yesterday, though is really thin. Has a fracture but the most important right now will be to keep it alive as it was really thin and weak.
    I am sorry for the late response but we had many new arrivals yesterday and generally it is a really difficult period for us.
    Unfortunatelly we arent like RSPB, we are all volunteers, we have no employees and we dont get any money from the goverment. As a result our work is much difficult and that is why we cannot respond faster. Our first priority is to arrange and receive the injured animals.
    It was good that you found us, we will do our best to save the swift.
    If you also pass from Thessaloniki do not hesitate to contact us and visit our facilities.
    Also If you would like you can help the swift you found by "adopting" her, take responsibility for the expenses needed.

    See more information at our website: www.drasi-agriazoi.gr/.../adoptions

    Thank you again for your interest and that you send the bird.

    Kind regards,
    Penelope Karagianni
    Action for wildlife/Drasi gia tin agria zoi

  • Thanks Max, fingers firmly crossed that they can save your Swift ... visited their site, translated to English, much interesting stuff to read with great vids, Swan release was good to see!
    Will you be able to 'adopt' Swift?


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Hello again Max, it was really lovely to get this update on the Swift and that it is now at the rescue centre getting treatment and food, I hope it goes on to make a full recovery and is able to return to the wild eventually.
    As long as you don't mind, and as a tribute to the young Jay that we rescued from our garden on Tuesday, who sadly didn't survive, I have contacted Action for Wildlife in Greece via email for more bank details (including a sort code which I couldn't find on their website you linked) so I can try and arrange a 2 year adoption which will at least go a little way towards food or medicine. These organisations and volunteers do amazing work and it's heart-warming to see that they put plans into action for this Swift as soon as it arrived. Thanks again for the update Max and congrats on all your mammoth efforts.


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Cheers Alan, thanks for the news, hope everyone is ok there.


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Oh dear, hope Max is safe!
    I am intending to adopt the Kestrel shown on their page aitch ... great minds eh!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • no worrys alls well )) Volos is equidistant between Thessaloniki in the north and Athens in the south about 150klm either way. The law on earthquake new buildings spec increase each year and I think so far building are built to with stand 8.1 Richter. Athens today was a 5.1

    Kestral adoption Great stuff!

    Im considering what to do also ))

    Im going to be talking with the group next week because I feel they could be getting "micro tips" as easy public donations that dont have bank acc or cant/want to use banks.

    There is an app called TipBot in twitter


    it allows you to send tips down to a few pennys or a few pounds to whoever you want on twitter.
    So if the group has or starts a twitter acc the public can make donations in pennies or higher without bank fees.
    This technology uses Blockchain tech.

    I see it as a goodsend for any help group ect
  • sorry disregard twitter.com/OfficialTIPbot its not it!!!!!!!

    It is

  • Hi max, link tells me 'user not found' ... be good to get more details in due course!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr