Blue Tits Chicks Dieing again

Over the last few years we have had Blue Tits building a nest and then hatching their chicks in a bird box with camera on the garage wall at our property. Once again this year they laid eight eggs of which six successfully hatched. They seemed to be doing well until this week when two died , We checked on camera last night and the four remainder looked healthy , This morning all were dead. The parents were bringing them food but alas their brood were no more. They were around 20 days old and their eyes were yet to open.

We had had successful fledges from the box but apart from last year, when they did not use it, we have had similar results to this over the past four years.

I do wonder how they could go so quickly? The last two days have been wet and colder at nights. Has food been the problem or perhaps there are other reasons. I also noticed parents bringing them what looked like suit pellets. Could this be a contributing factor?

I have noticed on other forums that this does seem to be an increasing problem . I would appreciate your thoughts

  • I have had more birds in my patch of wild garden under my plum tree. The midges, small flies grubs and worms that must be in there the Robins and Tit families especially love. I put in a small pond, no fish and you can see the birds fighting for the flies and had a toad visit over several years and also planted a Hazel 10 years ago and they love the catkins and curled up leaves. Yes I boost their food in colder months but the more natural food supply has to be the best, not only for the birds but the whole eco cycle. It must be so disheartening to see these chicks die infront of your eyes. I couldn't set up a camera for this reason. I cry at Spring Watch!