Blackies still not visiting

I have only seen two blackbirds on a neighbour's roof since early October. Sultanas are being left out daily. Still no sirn of them. This time of year I usually have a minimum of three. I can identify some through markings and feathers. One has a singular tail feather. Anyone else noticing the missing blackies?
  • Hooky, Have there been any changes in the environment near you?  Perhaps the Blackies have been frightened off.  Perhaps a neighbour of yours has begun putting out bird food and is enticing your regulars away.  Or perhaps your Blackbirds are undergoing a late moult.  The possible explanations are many.  Our Blackbirds have not been spending much time in the garden but perhaps they are finding enough food elsewhere and will probably be back when the weather deteriorates.  

    You may not see any more replies until after the RSPB upgrade on the Forum due to begin tomorrow and to carry on until the 18th or 19th.

  • Have seen them in surrounding trees Hooky but none in garden yet although many berries await them, weather is exceptionally mild down here in EKent!