Bottoms Up - part 2 !

Seems the original Bottoms Up thread is driving us potty, so to speak  lol    with trying to navigate our way to the latest uploads so I'm starting a new thread  :) 

A link to the previous Bottoms Up thread is HERE

I'll let Jake the Jay start it off  ...............


Regards, Hazel 

  • I'd recognise that Beardie bottom anywhere  lol    I didn't even get a bottom's up shot of a Beardie 'cos Mike nicked the wellies  !     Meanwhile, I was getting another special bottoms up pic -  just call her Marsha  ;)    ..........


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Nice 1 Hazel, Just looked at my pictures and could not find any, strange I thought I had one or two but then again they must have been in my dreams lol



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  • From across the "pond". A shameless display of frillies.



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  • lol Tony,  they have no shame  !!    is that snow I see ? when did that happen  lol   no sign of snow here - yet !


    Regards, Hazel 

  • It's from a webcam in Canada. It's a corvid but not one we get here - just as raucous though.



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  • you got me worried there with snow in the picture  lol    I couldn't work out what bird it was as it looked half magpie and half Jay so thanks for explaining it all !     btw, decided to head to Cumbria as we are only hour and half drive from home so can always return if it gets too bad.  I checked with Leighton Moss and although most of the reserve is closed we can get to public hide on causeway for Beardies and possibly Otter views and to Sky Tower and Lilians Hide but not to the log where I took the slide show of the birds taking the seeds.    Pity but it will be good to get three days away from the chores  lol.    


    Regards, Hazel 

  • You were on the right track, Hazel. It's a Blue Jay - a fairly common bird in N. America I think. Very colourful but very different from our Jay.

    Hope your visit to L Moss goes well. Always nice to get away but I must admit I would want to go to somewhere warmer and drier. The older I get the more of a wuss I'm becoming. LOL



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  • What a lovely bird the Blue Jay is,  not seen our Jays for months even though I hear them on occasion.   Just looking at the forecast on TV at the moment,  Wednesday's not bad but Thursday looks dodgy with more rain, however, at least its staying mild for this time of year and we can always dive into the cafe if it becomes too wet;   apparently some of the ducks (it appears even they don't like too much water lol ) have headed over to the Morecambe and Allen Hides on the bay a mile or two down the road but that is still accessible and they do have a Kingfisher plus lots of waders there so I'm sure we'll find plenty to keep us entertained :)    


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Hazel, Glad to hear you are going up to Leighton Moss--best of luck with the weather and the travel!

    TJ, Love the Blue Jay.  In fact, they are more raucous than Brit Jays, but then they have more territory to cover and so they have to be heard over a wider area!  I once learned about a nature-loving family where they had put up a small shelf on the side of their barn in hopes that an American Robin would build a nest on it.  But a pair of Blue Jays decided to build their nest on it, bringing back hoards of twigs, many of which were longer than the shelf was wide.  Hence, most of the twigs fell to the ground but the Jays continued to bring more twigs.  They only gave up trying when the pile of twigs below the shelf was well over 3 feet high, and still there were not enough twigs on the shelf to make a proper nest!

    Kind regards, Ann