Bad pics of fab wildlife - part 2!

Old thread here:

Because the original thread has, fittingly enough, 'gone bad', it's time for a new 'Bad pics' thread. Here, we celebrate the very worst of our wildlife photography. The subject matter is always brilliant, but the photos are very much not. If it's out of focus, chopped in half, frighteningly under- or over-exposed or terrible in some other way, it belongs here :)

Here's my first (first of many, no doubt) contribution to the new thread, a Goldcrest taken at Barnes yesterday. You need only minor incompetence to take a blurry photo, and the same to take a really under-exposed photo, but to do both in one go requires a special level of cackhandedness.

  • No, this was on my local patch. H. First time I've been there since coming back from Fuerteventura. The weather was sunnier than forecast and still very mild.

    I could hear Goldcrests at several places but they were flitting about like crazy and every time I brought the camera to my eye they'd moved or gone deeper into the bushes. I should have used the app on my phone but didn't think of it.

    It was nice to get out in the fresh air but fruitless as far as photos were concerned. Lots of ducks (Wigeon, Shoveler, Teal etc) but too distant for worthwhile photos.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Glad you managed to get a decent enough day to visit your local patch;  weather yesterday wasn't bad on the whole but still pretty dismal for photography struggling for decent light.     As you say, good to stretch the legs and get some fresh air and always nice to see the waterfowl and get a chance of seeing the fidgety Goldcrests.     When Paul and I were at Marbury C.Park,  I placed my mobile down on a rock underneath the tree and the Goldcrest hopped down to the rock and ground areas so we got some good opportunities to get clearer photos of it.     I tend to use it for a short while and then we move on once we've got decent pics so not to confuse the bird  lol    It works 95% of the time as they are like robins - very inquisitive when they hear the sound !    

    Very gloomy this morning so no good for taking pics.   i will content myself in the kitchen and make a chicken casserole  !      


    Regards, Hazel 

  • "If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs"   ! .  

      ...but what bird is this ??    I will reveal all shortly.

    and I almost got a male Kestrel  lol


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Ah, I see you found it then.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • lol Tony,  yes we were there by 9am and the first on the reserve so had to try locate it;  try as I might, there was an odd twig in front of its face even though I tried all locations !  (as is often the case when they hide at the back of the tree ! )  but overall I am glad I got recognisable pics which I'll put up tomorrow along with a few others.  


    Regards, Hazel 

  • another poor blurry pic but one that made me laugh as I spotted the Dunnock stretching up to see what  front garden robin was doing !!


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Hazel, Hubby says that the Dunnock just wants to be in the picture!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • lol Ann !!    the dunnock was back tapping at the window again this morning so had to close the shutters on it again - that bird is crazy   lol


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Odd that birds will do that.  We've only ever had one bird that tapped on our window--a Long Tailed Tit about 3 or 4 years ago.  We never did figure out why it did that.  Someone suggested it was attacking its reflection.  Or maybe it just was crazy, as you say!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Fancy stuffing up a pic of this bird    :(        was through the window from distance in my defence .... and it just moved  lol


    Regards, Hazel