Hazy who ?

Hi buddies, just popping in to say     "Honey .... I'm home"     lol          catch ya later with brief updates of the last three months.  X H


Regards, Hazel 

  • I'm so glad to see this thread! The forum has slipped out of my life over the summer but now the nights are getting longer and Hazy's back.

  • Thanks so much for the warm welcome back folks and all the very kind words  ...... and TJ,  that pic/caption is wonderful   !!!  - thank you :)        

    The last three months have gone quickly and I went on a few more nature walks around Cheshire, Lancashire, Derbyshire and took a trip down to the Cotswold Water Park area and visited Slimbridge a couple of weeks ago.      The day after my last post in June, Jake the Jay turned up with 3 offspring !    also GSW also had one female baby (I can now see the red is disappearing in favour of all black ! )  and Nutty seemed to have had offspring as well as one of  the dear Bullfinch pair who had three very cute offspring :)   The Greenfinch pair also had young and....   Cyril and gang are still causing mayhem but have settled down a bit ..... having said this they are gearing up for another breeding season so are currently chasing one another up and down and around the many Oak trees  lol.       Wood Pigeons are also in frisky mode and I see juveniles who are the earlier season generation.     We saw the return of the Lollipops on a few occasions and the Grey Wagtail x 2 have called in several times.   We saw Collared Dove pair for first time in the garden and the Robins had at least two sets offspring but hard to keep up as they seem to have territories on all sides of the garden and confuse me by nicking in to one another's areas to feed !    

    On our walks I have seen my first Dipper in Wolfscote Dale, Derbyshire and last week I saw my first Whinchat, Pectoral Sandpiper, Cattle Egret, Curlew Sandpiper and the rare Red Necked Phalarope all at Burton Mere/Inner Marsh Farm rspb.     Its been a great summer for new birds (to me) and although I tried not to take quite so many photos as usual  lol   (gave the tennis elbow a rest and its now pretty much back to normal :)   I always carry the camera with me on most occasions.      There is probably so much to tell you but this would begin to extend to the length of War and Peace   lol      I will leave you instead with a few pics from the last three months taken on our walks and a visit to Stockley Farm Birds of Prey Centre where we participated in a Hawk Walk with Stan the Harris Hawk !

    I apologise for those with Flickr. accounts that may have already seen some of the photos !

    Firstly, Stan the Harris Hawk ..... I will put a separate thread up with the BOPrey  for those who haven't seen them via Flickr.

    Dipper next ...

    The tiny Phalarope which needed more than a 300mm zoom lens to see it   lol !!    

    Pectoral Sandpiper - again a distant view  (its amongst the Lapwings ! )

    Cattle Egret .... again all these special birds were a distance away ....

    and closer views of a Kingfisher now there is a new perch outside the Morgan Hide at Woolston Eyes

    and at home a taste of the new juveniles which arrived late in the season .....

    Here ya go Mrs. T   !!!    the 3 amigos    lol

    one with Dad .....

    Miss Great Spotted Woodpecker

    There are tons more updates but too many to overload you with tonight !     so thanks again for the warm welcome back to the fold and I look forward to hearing all about your birding/nature walks and stories :)      

    now where's Wendy and TJ put the choc-ices and popcorn ???????      


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Nearly fell off my stool!!!  Thought we'd lost jyou for good.

    Welcome back Hazy.

    Lot to learn

  • Great to see you back Hazy- the forum has not been the same without you! Lovely set of photos,especially your little Bullies and lovely Kingfisher-looking forward to seeing more from your trips. I also visited Slimbridge (last week) -really enjoyed it


    See my Flickr photos here.

  • Hi Hazy - I've been looking at all your photos on Flickr over the summer but it's great to have you back on here chatting with us!  Just love your Knock, Knock photos in your first post - so funny, and so Hazy!!!  Welcome back from me too.

    See my Flickr photos here



  • Morning Gaynor, Jayne and Christine,  thanks one and all, it feels good to be back and looking forward to everyone's posts and photos  :)


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Welcome back from me too Hazel, I've been a little remiss these last few days searching for a replacement banger, I've now got one (for what it's worth) so am off camping with my daughter for a week tomorrow, thought I'd lost that holiday !

    See you in a week


    cheers  Terry

    my photo's here

  • Evening Terry and thanks for the welcome back;   nice to be with my forum buddies again :)    Hope you have a great camping trip with your daughter; weather looks settled so hopefully you'll both have a great holiday and I look forward to your pics :)   thanks again Terry.  


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Yorkshire win the County Championship and Hazy`s here.Good day all round I`d say. Welcome back.Great pictures.

  • LOL @ Edge !!!  Thanks for the warm welcome :)  pity Lancashire are about to drop :(   bring back Cyril Washbrook  lol


    Regards, Hazel