The (very fun) wildlife (non-bird) art thread

I promised to start one since we're not all just bird-loving artists. Birds are great, but we all have other passions. :)

Since many of us love and are inspired by nature, this thread is for any artwork related to all things wild and untamed, be that fungi in dappled woodland light, the patterns of rock fissures, moths, bluebells in spring, etc. There are no rules (art, rules?) but there should be some recommendations, as follows:

This is a fun thread.

This is a fun thread, not just for finished paintings, ready to mount and frame.

This is a fun thread.

Any medium, any size, any format, anything goes.

This is a fun thread.

(I'd prefer no pets please, but this is a personal preference. Feel free to ignore me.)

To start, inspired by the little squirrels that came this morning to enjoy some seeds in my garden, here's a charcoal sketch in my sketchbook.

'Catch me if you can!'

  • Well, a nude (well, maybe not draped) could be considered 'wild'.

  • what a shame that you have missed your break.   re pigeons - we get them occasionally (but mostly woodpigeons) but to avoid getting lots we don't put out bread etc on the lawn - just put stuff in feeders that they can't get at an a little on a bird table -  we occasionally get 2 or 3 below the feeders but not really enough food for many - if you want to ground feed without pigeons, maybe a guardian "cage" would be useful?

    re nudes - maybe wrong kind of wild!!!  

    see my photos on Flickr

  • Lol, well, there are those naturists. Some would class them as pretty wild.

    I'll be away in a few weeks, and thanks for the tips in regards those ferals. They're really different in nature. A few feathers flew when they met with the wood pigeons! Fabulous to watch. I once saw the magpies try to hide behind the flower pots when the crows came once, as if they could not be seen when it was larger than the pot itself! Too funny... :)

    It's been a few days and only a few have returned. If they keep it this way, it will be ok. Neighbours can't tell the difference. It's the horror of many lined up on the neighbours roofs that scare me slightly. And I do as you describe and there is no bread hanging about, only some for the small ones on a ground table plus guardian. (All the birds love bread here, I can't encourage them all.) They want the stuff under the feeders like the others. In fairness they deserve a chance....See how it goes.

    I'm working on those flowers since i've been meaning to. Post later.

  • good to hear you've not had too many ferals yet - somebody on the next street used to feed them and they used to be all over the roof - however, seen less recently (fingers crossed!  attractive enough in ones and twos but they can be a bit overpowering).  been doing a few quick studies of tulips - this one is in colour the rest have just been pencil or pen - Davys Grey WC; WC crayons; and pastels.

    see my photos on Flickr

  • That's a really nice mixed media study. Even the grey you used has not done much damage to the overall saturation since in flowers it can make them really dull. I can see the more liberal brush marks underneath which gives it a nice air, and you've made some nice shapes with the pastels on top.

    And actually, the ferals are being ok for the moment, and as usual it's the magpies that really wind me up. They are the most persistent, and for the ones that plague me, horrid characters. These do deserve their reputation, though they are stupid enough to think I'm a fool to not know of their antics in the garden, whilst begging me in person. I don't mean to rant, but they are impossible and I love to see a crow or gull put them in their place...Their attitude stinks. They make bird watching/feeding in my garden as miserable as it is joyful. I would bring it all done were it not for the fact I love the others.

    Back to this thread, I'm so on a roll with birds I can't get anything else done. Good to see you keep this thread alive for now though. I'll be back and do keep posting!

  • Have missed this thread somehow. Have to say there are some lovely sketches, drawings and paintings, well done girls.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • thank you Catlady - glad you like them.  If you paint, please add them here too :)

    see my photos on Flickr

  • re my tulips - it is just a study not a finished painting so a bit rough and ready (haven't been doing any finished paintings recently - need to do so soon!) - glad ferals not a problem at present but shame about the magpies - I quite like them but usually only get one or two so manageable - would not like too many.  Not so keen of them when the birds are nesting as they can take eggs/chicks - but I suspect that some of the other big birds do too.  

    not posting so much myself at the moment but will keep an eye on both threads - always enjoy your birds, elle :)

    see my photos on Flickr

  • It's a good study still, I think the best of your tulips yet. The mixed media element can make something dull or plain in one media look far more unique and exciting. Not long soon for spring flowers...

    Catlady thanks.

    I'm so surprised by the feral pigeons (!)-  fingers crossed. We've even had one of those rarer brown pigeons visit, all latte/cappuccino colours. If their numbers increase, I'll certainly have a problem, so far they're happy to see some grain. As for the magpies, they don't exist for me.

    It'll be my first for the breeding season, sounds exciting. Not the place to ask, but I live right next to the local park, no more than 3 metres, that is 0.002 sec flight to the nearest conifer for a little one. Would it be worth putting up nestboxes...?

  • thanks Elle :)  re nestboxes, I don't know anything about them (our garden is a bit too small and too many cats) - I would try one of the Wildlife threads

    have been doing some more tulip studies - just trying to practice/learn techniques etc

    see my photos on Flickr