A Quick Survey - We'd love your thoughts

Hello, we have made a short 5 minute survey to understand how people are using the RSPB Community pages and identify opportunities for the future. We’re also looking to speak to some people after the survey, if you’d be interested in this there is a question at the end to leave your email. 

You can find the survey here: https://forms.office.com/e/iuA4jr9ngX 

Thanks for taking the time to give us your thoughts!  

  • Zo Clark said:
    they did ask some people by email who did sign the survey if they would like to join a webinar

    Something I've never been invited to do, even though I've filled in previous surveys.  I bet they invite all those people most likely to agree with them - I'm an argumentative sod so they'll avoid me (and people like me) like the plague.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • the RSPB survey sent an email about the survey to anyone who ticked permission to send emails so that’s why not everyone would of got it in this case but those who gave them permission would of. It was an interview 

    this is what it was about iv copyed and pasted it from my email 

    Thanks for taking the time to fill in our survey on the RSPB Community, I'm getting in touch as you left your email as part of the survey and we'd love to have a short online call with you.


    I'm planning 30 minute interviews next week to understand more about how people use online communities. It’ll be a casual conservation where I’ll ask you a few questions similar to the survey. Your thoughts will help us look at opportunities for our Community in the future.


    If you are interested take a look at the times below and reply to this email with your preference. I'm contacting a few people so please note that some slots may be taken and you may wish to send more than one option.


    These are the call times next week:


    Tuesday 16th May

    5.15pm - 5.45pm

    6pm - 6.30pm

    7.30pm - 8pm


    Wednesday 17th May

    2pm - 2.30pm

    2.45pm - 3.15pm




    Thursday 18th May

    1.45pm - 2.15pm

    2.30pm - 3pm


    Friday 19th May

    10am - 10.30am

    10.45am - 11.15am

    11.30am - 12pm


    Let me know if you have any questions, look forward to hearing back from you.

  • Zo Clark said:
    the RSPB survey sent an email about the survey to anyone who ticked permission to send emails so that’s why not everyone would of got it in this case but those who gave them permission would of

    I've always ticked that box.  That was before it eventually sunk in that my views weren't required.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • How come? Did you receive any of there interviews and if you did did you do any of there interviews and tell them what you want to say to them? If you did what did they say?
  • I have never received any further interest from filling in these surveys, which is why I think they're a pointless exercise. If you're only looking to talk to those people who will agree with you, what's the purpose? If you're going to ask questions you need to look at all the responses, even if you don't like them.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I’m the same as you Clare. So I find the best p,ace to argue your point is the RSPB’s AGM. I’ve already registered and I will be asking questions. Last year I couldn’t take part after registering in 2022 as I found I would be away on the month bird watching trip on the same day as the AGM. But this year the Saturday of the AGM I’ll be free to take part. You hear more from different viewpoints and not these surveys and the webinars
    of whom those are chosen are normally the members that agree with management, I think like you that’s the wrong way to have webinars of only having those who agree with everything of the management.



  • Good morning all,

    Thank you to those that completed the questionnaire. We are compiling the feedback (good and bad) from multiple sources to help us improve your community experience in the future.

    Please do feel free to keep adding your thoughts in the thread if you weren't able to complete the questionnaire, and we will make sure to capture these.

    Thank you
