Invertebrates in the garden this afternoon

I havnt had a good few days  recently . And birdwatching wise havnt been able to get out and about. I havnt bren out much this week due to something personal going on 

I been mainly in the Garden. If any of my messages ever sound repeatative sometimes or if I don’t pick up on some social cues very well I apologise. Im on the autistic spectrum. So can happen. it’s not something I do on purpose. Im makeing lots of mistakes. 
apart from that I did manage to go out in the garden. 
And it was very sunny I even had a hoverfly Hover abouve my head. I would of sent this on insect 2022 but I don’t think it’s a good idea  I don’t know if animation  is defiantly ok too or if it’s just photos  so have just made a post for now. 
I hope you enjoy the photos I took. 


  • il be going to see the puffins and other Wildlife there
  • being at a house made for people with Learning disabilities in my case being a developmental learning disability so the workers that support me at the residential house takes me to get money out with me cause of my disability i need there support toocause I dont understand money and  how much it all adds up to and if im spending too much or not and I take it home with me when I go home but i have mainly been saving and not spending and I hadnt  been spending it last year so I got more than 100 pounds and if I dont use it it will be taken away from meby the social workers and only used towards keeping me in my residential home so my support workers and my family are trying to use it upso they encouraging me to spend it on going out on things like wildlife holidays or to get exspensive things. But I dont want to just spend it on exspensive things and holidays I want to put it towards conservation aswell so I will be recording the wildlife i see and sending it to county recorders or those that need records particularly in places that may not necessarily be well recorded and it gives me more Wildlife opportunitys aswell so its a win win.

  • I have been contrmplating for months weather to say this or not but  first im going to start by saying I had a different view of this community in 2022 than I do now 

    I was already brand new in 2022 to the community forum so I was at first timid and not comfident about weather to comment on someones 

    post and used to prefer to just make posts instead a few members particularly one in particular helped me break through the timidness and give it a try 

    so I did and I started commenting on peoples posts alot. I didnt know there was a pm function and never even used it and wanted to spend my time getting to know people and helping others aswell as shareing (my own knoledge) but also anything interesting i find out about Wildlife with links or screenshots and share my Wildlife hobby and my exsperiance in my Wildlife hobby as an autistic person. sometimes it can take time to get to know me particulary since I am autistic, and have a learning disability which can take time to process what people say and may or may not understand what is said or talked about or it may just take time for me to process understand what people say and understand.  my learning disability means there is crucial parts in my development that were delayed and didnt learn or missed out on and I was behind my peers at schooll and had to do things seperatly due to having speacial needs. my autism (aswell as learning disability ) means I do not nessacerily understand certain skills - both social skills but not just that also certain other areas of life people will have learned by my age  people my age are exspected to act there age but having a learning disability I may not and may take me many years to learn certain social and life skills. and  cause of my learning disability aswell as autism. when I was a teenager I didnt act likeone. I didnt have the same interests most people that age did nor was i interested in Relationships or understood them. and I prefered to play or help people in the play ground even though im older now cause of my autism it makes friendships and relationships challenging aswel. that includes  keeping and maintaining them.  its not just the social aspect of things in general. although i dont havr any firends or birding friends that doesnt mean I wouldnt make friends with people her I would still would like to make friends with people here I get along woth particularly since i dont have any birding friends if possible but I dont know yet but that will come with time. the stengths of my autism that I have meant that with my fixation on certain topics and being as some people with autosm are described - little professors some people with autism are described as gifted and im one of those and particulary at a young age. Autism  is (a part of who I am) and there is still alot people dont know about me and that people will get to know over the years hopefuly but  thankfuly people know me better than in 2022. I alot struggle alot with putting  things the right way and giveing out the message in my message im giving particularly if I csnnot go into detail and so alot of misundertandings happen then aswell as when I write as much detail as Is normal for me and my autism caude some people mis understamd that too. I dont project things  onto others or put bagage onto others or anything of that nature and im actialy a very private person and not good at chit chat usualy either I only speak when I need to. I do talk  about Wildlife mainly cause that is one of my speacial interests cause of my autism I only let people know things that would be important for people to know as it (is) inportant. so I do apologise if i ever come across differently to the actual message i give thats but thats just the way I am dont habe much if any  control over it cause of my disability and being detail orientated is a strength as well as my autism making me hypersenitive to everyday noises every day people arnt bothered by that can be painful to my ears that is a challange not a problom snd is a stregth of mine that I find very useful in wildlife watching as I csn hear things at frequencies  people cant hearing range wise. and therfore my challanges are not probloms they come with unique  challanges bit they also give me gifts i would not have if i did not have autism and a learning disability and so would not change myself for anyome. Im less secure than I used to be but at the same time im grateful for those who support me in this community.

    there is a forum where someone has supported me but due to something that happened on there where regardless of how many times i stated what is actualy about is all muddled cause of someone. it is not the person who stood up for me that comfused it and I dont want them to feell like there eforts were waste or feel un apreciated but I will need to deleate amd replace it with the same title as people got put off by what ocured I eould like them to know there support and contributions made was apreciated and I do not want them to be dis encouraged or put off and stop supporting me when i need it  or be disencouraged from or stop standing up for me on amy posts by any strangers or events that ocur as being autistic i am more vulnerable tp things im this community when I like with what happened with me banned member  by means of pm obviously thankfuly there gone now and the community is usualy ok but being an example. and I dont want anyone to be put off from supporting me in this community by me deleating the post im on about that got comfused. i do apreciate it but deleating it and replacing it will make clear what its about smd its the best thing 

    that aside I will be away cause its February but I will let you know how im doing and share the holiday like usual 

  • I have decided I am going to go on holiday to pembrokeshire in Wales and go to Skommer island for going to a different country with a support worker aswell

    iv got until almost the end of this week and no later now to make a oficial decision where to go 

  • Enjoy your trip Zo, wherever you end up going. I look forward to reading about it when you return, and post your pictures.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • sorry im late replying. iv seen your message now.

    thanks. thats good that you are looking forward to it 

  • one of the reasons I havnt been very active is cause I have got a cold aswell not just cause Iv been researching alot but it is getting better it is also cause I been researching a lot but im very busy with holidays this yesr and will be going on aproximatly 5 holidays. my family already had some aranged the february one is one of them. I will be going on holiday again in July and September and October. then I got 2 seperate ones im going on  but these are with my support worker not my family. the first will ve a holiday to a different country then going on another holiday  with a support worker skommer island the skommer island is going to be booked they are just looking for accommodation.  for the end of May behining of June but I said June would be best cause the weather will be better and there will be lots of them. but the one to a different country hasnt yet but my support workers will book it when Iv oficialy decided what country I want to go since my family at home  and also support workers at my residential home want me to make good ise of money and use as much as we can   since It went over how much the social worker will allow me to have in the bank and it kept pileing it up since it built up last year. with  the holiday Im going to be going on this month I will be going on Monday 12th February that will be next week. I will be away for a week. 

  • the place im going to on Holiday in Setember to October has changed 

    me and my family arnt going to Cornwall anymore cause she had to alter the dates to fit in with the 

    lady called Ella that looks after Max and other dogs apart from the 3 we will be taking away on holiday with us 

    and Cornwall was all booked up 

  • with the holiday Wales that im going to next Monday I asked Mum if I could go snorkling and she said not at this time of year but 

    I can when I go on holiday with the Support workers in June them I asked if if the beach isnt far can we visit every day and she said probably 

    so now Im thinking a multi pocket backpack 800 mm lens,  hat, tshirt, shaded galsses and some wings some flexable ones that can flap though 

  • I forgot to update on the holiday I have been to that Wales holiday as those who have seen part 1 will know but those havnt wont know if they  havnt seen it cause I havnt updated on this thread. I went on 12th February and came back on the 19th and sent the first part of my holiday but cause of changes in the community I have had to delay Part 2 and the other parts.

     im contemplating westher I should make part 2 and the others or not yet but im still not sure

    I havnt had comfirmation from the RSPB that the photo eror thing is fixed and that the eeor is not left in the forum to trigger off again either after a few posts or the next month or the month after.

    cause it was a big problom last year asseell way before the RSPB made changes to the community anyway.  its just that the eror with photos i was having a problom with was made worse by the changes.

    it wasnt caused by the upgrade as such but made the eror problom worse made it so that i couldnt add any photos not even ome and send them.

    im not sure how the situation is at the moment wth the eror and the photos if the RSPB dont come back im going to have to make part 2 and 3 at some point eventualy otherwise I will have too many holiday photos to send cause i will be going on holiday in June and July. I also got a holiday in August with my suppprt workers

    aswell as 2 exstra holidays im going to be gooing on with my family I didnt know about until yesterday aswell as the one I memtioned im going on in July and September/October before aswell