Invertebrates in the garden this afternoon

I havnt had a good few days  recently . And birdwatching wise havnt been able to get out and about. I havnt bren out much this week due to something personal going on 

I been mainly in the Garden. If any of my messages ever sound repeatative sometimes or if I don’t pick up on some social cues very well I apologise. Im on the autistic spectrum. So can happen. it’s not something I do on purpose. Im makeing lots of mistakes. 
apart from that I did manage to go out in the garden. 
And it was very sunny I even had a hoverfly Hover abouve my head. I would of sent this on insect 2022 but I don’t think it’s a good idea  I don’t know if animation  is defiantly ok too or if it’s just photos  so have just made a post for now. 
I hope you enjoy the photos I took. 


  • im goinf on holiday today for a week
  • I should of put the word today at the end of my sentence but I was in a rush cause I was leaving that day so never mind as most may know im back now Iv been on lots of holidays this year but Iv had my last holiday fir now. I will be going to Brighton next week for a kidney scan and possibly a head one aswell to check my cysts are shrinking and tgerfore that  my tablet for my rare genetic condition is working I have to have this done in Brighton every year or two since if they get too big it can csuse a kidney cyst rupture and be life threatening as had happened in 2013. my famous Tuberous sclerosis exspert looks at the MRIs after the scan with us and determines weather my tablet for my condition is working or not hopefuly it goes well. but usualy when I go I stay for the night and go to the beach before or after the apointment but this time I cant stay for the noght there but we are still going to go to the beach and I usualy end up getting photos of Wildlife while im there. so il do a trip post for it next week. 

    I have chrochet a mushroom and I am crocheting a dog for Mum and Dad as a christmas present. im also crocheting  a bird just cause I want to and Im thinking if shareing it with everyone when im done. my birthday is a few days before christmas so I get lots of christmas presents I know what one of them is going to be cause I asked for it but no idea wjat the othet thing is. Mum has ordered me a 300 to 600 mm lens. it was a lucky find and Mum is getting it for eithet christmas or birthday probably for  christmas thiugh 

  • Hello Mike. welcome back. I did a drawing for you on the other page I hope you see it at some point.  I dont normaly do christmas cards so I might not be able to contribute to your thread and i thought this would be a better place than on your posts about spam. everyone else knows but you moght not cause you have been away for months. I managed to save enough money to get a new camara I didnt have to sell anything to get it in the end and i still have the old camaras. I got a canon m6 

  • Thank you for the welcome back, and those drawings are just brilliant.

    Don't worry about posting a Christmas card, there's no obligation to contribute to the thread.

    Some just post a greetings message to all without any picture or image, whatever, it's purely voluntary with no obligation.

  • Michael B said:

    Thank you for the welcome back, and those drawings are just brilliant.

    Don't worry about posting a Christmas card, there's no obligation to contribute to the thread.

    Some just post a greetings message to all without any picture or image, whatever, it's purely voluntary with no obligation.

    sorry for the late reply. 

    thats ok and thanks. also thanks for letting me know. I do like makeing  things sometimes.  cause im good at makeing things and I enjoy it so I do make things at christmas sometimes  even though I dont do Christmas cards. but im more likely to  send those in the art section. I also sometimes come up with ideas about Wildlife aswell so at Christmas I sometimes I come up with christmas ideas related to Wildlife. 

  • sorry I havnt said merry Christmas last year or happy new year i would have if I wernt as busy as I have been.  im still exsperimenting with my telescope and iv lost my card reader adapter and still havnt found it so cant transfer any photos iv taken yet so there all staying on my camara and unable to go anywhere at the moment ao cant share them with anyone yet also not only that im looking for somewhere in spain or Afriica for endemic Wildlife and I got until next Friday to tell the manager of the residential home im in otherwise it will be too late and iv also got to think of somewhere in this country to go on holiday to for Wildlife watching aswell and im getting a new laptop plus im also been  honeing  and mastering a skill  that requires lots of practice 

  • I will be going on holiday alot this year. I have got  12 to 16th FebruaryShrewsbury 8th to 12th July Cornwall 30th September to 4th October and I will be going to a different country this year and I will be going on a seperate short holiday aswellI need to think of somewhere to go on holiday to a different country by Thirsday and think of a place to go for the short holiday and a longer oms after that.  Sorry if I havnt been particularly helpful on threads where suggestions or any help would be appreciated or any conversations

    old ones or recent ones I have not responded yet to. I have been doing lots of research aswell as learning a skill with something creative aswell. I have been rearching for a couple of  weeks. i have been trying to fit in my Wildlife photography and other hobbys aswell as family since i go home every week and trying to fit in the RSPB community aswell but I have been come on and commenting when Im free

  • I havnt looked for a holiday outside the uk centered on Wildlife watching before neither have I visited any other countrys other than Spain I used to go to Menorca alot  until I mived to Residential then my family kept to the UK cause they didnt gave the money I wasnt interested in Wildlife when I used to go on holiday alot I missed Spain so I went with my residential home but didnt know what pari of Spain. it was Salou near Barcelona

    .but I wasnt interested in Wildlife so didnt Wildlife watch.  a few years after once I had overcome my fear of them. it had been a couple of years now and I havnt been to Spain for a long time and I prefer the islands like Menorca compared to the continent. and have nevet Wildkife watched in Spain or been to another country othet than spain or Wildkife watched outside the uk before. I have been researching other countrys aswell as Spain for Wildlife that are endemicto them and learned lots of things I didnt know. I didnt know laws for trans people or other LGBTQ identitys

    were different depending on the country or places in the countrys or that crime rates varied. some safe others not. and cause I have a disability which is  Autism and a learning disability I have to Find endemic countrys that will be safe with those factors 

    i need to consider therfore Iv foubd out what countrys are and what arnt but I still got lots of research to do  

  • for ones that have been following anyone who has been following should hopefully understand the interesting discussions on this forum (ones that have been following it ). I will be going on holiday alot this year but that doesnt mean I wont let people know how im doing when im not away and when im free to comment on here. thankyou to thise who have had nice chats with me on this thread. i havnt been able to have any priper discussions or ones that iv been able to finish rather than have to leave half wat throufh due to being so busy. I will be taking pictures when I go on holiday as I do. its almost the emd of Jamuary and I will be away at the begining of February
  • I will be going on another holiday seperate to the one in a different country and the one im going to with my family aswell

    possibly Skomer or Cornwall but I will already be going to cornwall with my family

    so likely Skomer in Wales