Invertebrates in the garden this afternoon

I havnt had a good few days  recently . And birdwatching wise havnt been able to get out and about. I havnt bren out much this week due to something personal going on 

I been mainly in the Garden. If any of my messages ever sound repeatative sometimes or if I don’t pick up on some social cues very well I apologise. Im on the autistic spectrum. So can happen. it’s not something I do on purpose. Im makeing lots of mistakes. 
apart from that I did manage to go out in the garden. 
And it was very sunny I even had a hoverfly Hover abouve my head. I would of sent this on insect 2022 but I don’t think it’s a good idea  I don’t know if animation  is defiantly ok too or if it’s just photos  so have just made a post for now. 
I hope you enjoy the photos I took. 


  • You're welcome.

    I have seen the beach trip that didn't happen reports, but you still had a good time, and that's what counts.

    If it's any consolation, even for me using either the desktop or laptop, the compose box layout is different to the final post layout that everyone else will see, and no doubt different again for those using smartphones of tablets.

    That is not unique to here, it happens with lots of programs, even my email clients.

  • Thanks. I do wonder why the boxes are differant sometimes I think they should both be same. Yea it was very disappointing the outcome wasn’t funny that I found out it wasn’t crabbing.

    The reassurance I got is that I’m going to be going another day. But Packing cloathes and equipment for crabbing with me and only just finding out when we were on our way to Hucclecote for me to stay for the night and then go on the trip to the woods was a running joke between me and Mum when I went on the trip.

    I said all sorts of things like shall I take my waterproof cloathes and crabbing gear with me then since Iv already packed it. Then remark I know I’m going to the woods but you know you might need it you never know. And then another time during the day Il say hey Mum there might be crabs in the woods I’m going to bring it just in case

    To Mums amusement we didn’t bring the waterproof cloathes. and they had a hot tub I could get in when I got there. I said I don’t mind wearing my T-shirt and if my Aunty has any shorts I don’t mind borrowing them. And she did have some. She even lent me them but I ended up not going in though cause I wanted to go for a walk in the woods and I was too absorbed in Bird watching,  

  • I think in all fairness to the software writers, to get a format that will be even across all viewing platforms is probably currently a very costly and difficult task.

    Smartphones themselves have different shaped and sized screens. When I say different shape, I mean the overall width vs length ratio does differ considerably, some will have wider screens than others, and tablets also suffer the same fate.

    Even computer screens differ. While many are the standard 16:9 widescreen format, there are still many computer screens using the narrower 4:3 format.

    Add to that, with phones and tablets, many people will view in portrait mode, whereas computer screens are viewed in landscape mode.

    So it will be very difficult to set a workable format across all viewing platforms.

  • Yes. That’s true. A long time ago 3D and 3D screens used to be seen as impossible until someone figured out how to make 3D. First it was 3D goggles then next it’s things that pop out of the screen without needing 3D glasses. And now you get it not just on Tv but devices ranging from a 3D DS that can take photos in 3D to phones and I pads that can now take pictures and even install 3D apps even Wildlife ones. And today when I was trying to improve one of my digital cameras I found out it has a 3D function where it takes one image on the right then one on the left to make an3D image meaning nowadays you can take photos and film Wildlife in 3D and not just 3D anymore either. Now 4D exists. Technology is evolving very quickly. I think it might be possible at some point  in the far future  but very challenging to do. Unless technology changes to the point with and length ratio is no longer a problem like it once was of course though. weather anyone will figure out how to make sure the boxes are same for both devices including the computer I don’t know but Like you said though it’s difficult so it could well be a long time maybe even a generation or two.

    Since Iv started in January Iv found even though I like helping people out with there identifications and do help both people I know and people I don’t know even with difficult identifications cause I’m very good at it and even do so offline. I’m more comfortable commenting on iposts of people I know which would be yours, Robbos, I love Robins, and seaman and others. Or preferring commenting on posts of people who have commented on mine. Iv found I’m preferring to share my Photos and videos and visits and see others aswell more often than  posts that belong to people  I don’t know well and don’t know me well.

     when online I can also still be very cautious about people I don’t know  exspeacialy while people are still getting to know me. that would be why I’m not commenting much on identifications of people I don’t know. 

    Just out of curiosity What were (you) like when (you) first started? 

  • Just a quick recap on your last sentence: "when online I can also still be very cautious about people I don’t know  exspeacialy while people are still getting to know me. that would be why I’m not commenting much on identifications of people I don’t know. "

    Absolutely, and I'm sure you're aware that these posts are easy to view when not logged in via any search engine search. So what you post is publically visible on a global scale.

    When I first joined the forum, I hadn't long returned back to work after a two year post accident recovery period. My employment has been predominantly in the automotive trade, starting with working in garages as a mechanic and then joining Jaguar Cars assembling cars and later, after retraining as an auto-electrician including working with software utilised for cars, I am now enjoying retirement.

    There was a dark period from an employment perspective during the late 1970's to the mid 1980's, where work was hard to find, but i manmanged, even learning to drive lorries and later buses, both of which required extra turion and driving tests.

    Before starting work, during my mid-late teens, I worked on farms with dairy cattle, sheep and a little with poultry. All the farms were basically mixed, livestock and crops, so I was often working in the fields during the harvest period, but never operated a combine harvester. I did drive tractors with trailers, but never ploughed a field. I was too young, ploughing and combine harvesters were, and still are, very skilled tasks.

    I also learned a lot about wildlife and nature from a farming perspective, which has changed a lot since those days, but I learned a lot and much of what I learned, is still very relevant today.

    Later, I was introduced to mountaineering and camping, and in a very haphazard way. Haphazard because the kit I used was heavyweight, ex-army canvas tents (for those old enough to remember, were very readily available during the 1960's & 1970's from all military surplus stores), and clothing that would be frowned upon today, corduroy trousers, cotton shirts woollen pullovers etc.

    But apart from that, it was all done with complete respect for nature and the countryside, take away memories and leave no trace.

    Over the following years, I came across various outdoor courses and improved my skills and also choice of clothing to the point that I took a winter skills course, learning how to safely climb and descend mountains in full winter conditions.

    Photography has been an interest to me since childhood. My grandparents bought me a Twin Lens Reflex camera (TLR) sometime in the 60's, and that was it until I started working, when I bought my first Single lens Reflex camera, a Zenit E, which had no proper light meter, it was located on the top of the camera and you had to work out what exposure settings to use.

    That was probably the best way to learn how to appreciate light and and how to make the best of it for photography.

    Then, February 2015, all that changed, when someone ran a red light while I was legitimately on a pelican crossing, walking into work after parking my car in one of the many works car parks.

    That resulted in major lower right leg reconstruction, and many times with the surgery that followed, I close to amputation.

    While I am angry to the driver for his attitude and inexcusable driving, the support I've received, which to many may not seem much, but to me it is a lot, and still receive, from my wife, my son, all medical staff, my former employer, my friends, and of course the good people here, has been and still is, second to none, for which I am very grateful for.

    I think that more or less sums up me.

  • Absolutely, and I'm sure you're aware that these posts are easy to view when not logged in via any search engine search. So what you post is publically visible on a global scale.

    yes Im definitely aware. You would need a account and need to of sent a forum for your forum to be seen online by everyone in search but you don’t need an account to find people’s forums in the search engine and even though you might need to put RSPB or RSPB community to see the name of a forum from here. you don’t need to sometimes. You can just put a sentence or question in the search engine regardless of weather you use google or Duck Duck go and then find the forum with questions and answers made in the RSPB Community. Including forums that don’t ask a question sometimes the forums  can be at the top of search other times it might be at the bottom. I don’t know why it’s at the top sometimes and sometimes at the bottom on the page once you’ve typed in the search engine but it might be to do with how popular it is or how frequently the word has been put in the search engine  

    It has the details you would see on the forum Aswell. So even people that havnt made an account can see your posts. 

    A computer understands what you want it to do or what you want to search for by useing keywords. Regardless of if  it’s a single word or a sentence put together.  In my case it’s Wildlife, Photography, day,, so that is what the  page is about. But ithr page is mainly about Wildlife and Photography and the main topic of the page is in bold under the name of the websites 


    When I first joined the forum, I hadn't long returned back to work after a two year post accident recovery period. My employment has been predominantly in the automotive trade, starting with working in garages as a mechanic and then joining Jaguar Cars assembling cars and later, after retraining as an auto-electrician including working with software utilised for cars, I am now enjoying retirement.

    There was a dark period from an employment perspective during the late 1970's to the mid 1980's, where work was hard to find, but i manmanged, even learning to drive lorries and later buses, both of which required extra turion and driving tests.

    Before starting work, during my mid-late teens, I worked on farms with dairy cattle, sheep and a little with poultry. All the farms were basically mixed, livestock and crops, so I was often working in the fields during the harvest period, but never operated a combine harvester. I did drive tractors with trailers, but never ploughed a field. I was too young, ploughing and combine harvesters were, and still are, very skilled tasks.

    I also learned a lot about wildlife and nature from a farming perspective, which has changed a lot since those days, but I learned a lot and much of what I learned, is still very relevant today.

    Later, I was introduced to mountaineering and camping, and in a very haphazard way. Haphazard because the kit I used was heavyweight, ex-army canvas tents (for those old enough to remember, were very readily available during the 1960's & 1970's from all military surplus stores), and clothing that would be frowned upon today, corduroy trousers, cotton shirts woollen pullovers etc.

    But apart from that, it was all done with complete respect for nature and the countryside, take away memories and leave no trace.

    Over the following years, I came across various outdoor courses and improved my skills and also choice of clothing to the point that I took a winter skills course, learning how to safely climb and descend mountains in full winter conditions.

    Photography has been an interest to me since childhood. My grandparents bought me a Twin Lens Reflex camera (TLR) sometime in the 60's, and that was it until I started working, when I bought my first Single lens Reflex camera, a Zenit E, which had no proper light meter, it was located on the top of the camera and you had to work out what exposure settings to use.

    That was probably the best way to learn how to appreciate light and and how to make the best of it for photography.

    Then, February 2015, all that changed, when someone ran a red light while I was legitimately on a pelican crossing, walking into work after parking my car in one of the many works car parks.

    That resulted in major lower right leg reconstruction, and many times with the surgery that followed, I close to amputation.

    While I am angry to the driver for his attitude and inexcusable driving, the support I've received, which to many may not seem much, but to me it is a lot, and still receive, from my wife, my son, all medical staff, my former employer, my friends, and of course the good people here, has been and still is, second to none, for which I am very grateful for.

    I think that more or less sums up me.

    I think That’s good that your enjoying retirement. I think its cooll  you worked on farms. I enjoy helping with the livestock when I go to one of my Auntys. Some of the sheep she looks after actually have different personalities and temperaments aswell. I don’t know if you find this aswell but   I allways find that it’s  quieter in rural areas like farmland than urban and sub urban locations. I think its good  that you improved your skills and that and took a Winter skillls course aswell with the learning how to safely climb and descend mountains in winter conditions cause those types of skills are resourceful and can come in handy. 

    Iv never heard of a Twin lens Reflex camara before but if it’s still a very old camara since it was in the 60s that might be why cause I wasn’t alive until the 1990s i think its interesting You found it was probably the best way to learn how to appreciate light and how to make the best of it for photos some  camara s still have settings for exsposure nowadays but cameras have changed a lot since then.

    Just like you Iv allways been interested in Photography since I was a child aswell . For me my hobby  in Photography started around 11 cause I got my own camera for the first time and I loved takeing photos and videos  of things including animals if I went to the zoo.  so it’s allways been my hobby since I was a child aswell . 


    For the acident. unexpected things like that can happen sometimes.

    For me my incident that sent me to hospital in 2013 for a couple of months was cause  The last time I had a mri scan the size and potential for rupture was visable on the mri but  that it was too big slipped under the radar Cause no one was specialised in TS  so we couldn’t catch it until it was too late. For us even though we knew there allways potential for a rupture it just happened out of nowhere 

    One of My mottos is exspect the unexpected.   I like your atitude about the incident. And I think its good that you got alot of support from your friends, family, medical staff and others including the people here. 

  • I think the easiest way to describe how a twin lens camera works, is in the same way as an early compact camera, which has a separate lens to view the subject while a more centrally positioned lens, once the shutter is opened, allows the film to see the image and take the picture.

    The very few black and white photo that have survived time, thankfully have no heads chopped off, or legs, and the landscape photos, seem to be all within the frame, no missing bits.

    With the early compacts using that format, you had what was called parallax error. Parallax error is where you see the subject from a slightly different angle to the film lens and often resulted in heads missing in the final photo, or a vital part of the subject missing.

    With more modern compacts, they use the same lens for the viewfinder as the actual film/shutter lens.

    That was sad about the TS and no specialists available. That is all too common a situation, still today even. I've a long wait to see a specialist regarding my leg, which at the moment is mid-December. Hopefully by that time it will be sorted, in the interim, I keep phoning the consultants secretary to see if there is a cancellation.

  • Sorry for such a long delay apart from going home  I havnt been getting out and about much so I havnt been as active as usual and have had lots of stuff going on that I needed to take care of. Yesterday I spent the morning cleaning my consoles, devices and camaras, and then in the afternoon I mainly cleaned my room. Until 2:45 or 3oclock then went to get some important things from the shop. I went in the garden from around tree time. 
    there was some invertrevretes like a Chaser was going to come in the garden for example but it was mainly arachnids and birds though I did see something that looked abit like a bat

    I have photos, videos and audio from the garden though. I have noticed this year that some birds sound like musical instruments like this bird call here

    2043.7345.Musical Birdy.m4a

    8737.8867.Balanceing pond musical Bird .m4a

    I sent some of my Recordings from this year to ebird
    it has interesting sonograms while the audio is playing 

    and I have uploaded some calls to

    I think the easiest way to describe how a twin lens camera works, is in the same way as an early compact camera, which has a separate lens to view the subject while a more centrally positioned lens, once the shutter is opened, allows the film to see the image and take the picture.

    The very few black and white photo that have survived time, thankfully have no heads chopped off, or legs, and the landscape photos, seem to be all within the frame, no missing bits.

    With the early compacts using that format, you had what was called parallax error. Parallax error is where you see the subject from a slightly different angle to the film lens and often resulted in heads missing in the final photo, or a vital part of the subject missing.

    With more modern compacts, they use the same lens for the viewfinder as the actual film/shutter lens.

    thats interesting. Back before my family had me photos were mainly black and white but Back when I was a baby some photos were  black and white while others are in colour then when I was toddler more photos were in colour than black and white until when I was 8 and 9 and 10 photos were just in colour. Which gives you an idea of what photography was like back in my family’s days and my childhood but that’s a matter of years photos gradually went from completely black and white to colour. Film camaras were very expensive. My Family didnt film me when I was a baby and a toddler or when I was 8 but they got a film camara camcorder when I was 9  the first filming they did was when I was 9. It’s easy to forget how different technology was camara wise back then cause we are so used to what things are like now. 
    my Dad took photos and filmed a lot and I enjoyed it after that I wanted my own camera Camera and got my first camera when I was 11 my very first one was a disposable one before I got a proper one for Christmas. I had some compact cameras that printed photos out and then ones you can get photos published then it was camaras you can send to your computer. Theres far better camaras now than back then though. 

    That was sad about the TS and no specialists available. That is all too common a situation, still today even. I've a long wait to see a specialist regarding my leg, which at the moment is mid-December. Hopefully by that time it will be sorted, in the interim, I keep phoning the consultants secretary to see if there is a cancellation.

    yes after we the sirilemous Me and my family managed to get around that problom by trying to make the TS exspert my doctor and the one to do my scans it was difficult cause we didn’t know if we will be able to but we did eventually and managed to get a new GP that knows about TS he is as well known as my dr bur he still knows abit by TS. 

    yes hopefully by that time it will be sorted I think  it’s just s matter of waiting and carrying on with what your doing now for now 

  • Colour film was expensive back in the days when I was a child, and has remained more expensive than black and white, though the gap has considerably narrowed over the years.

    Today, most cameras are digital, so to stay competitive, processing labs have had to review their pricing structures.

    With my son, I didn't take too many photos of him growing up, as with most families, mortgages, food and other bills often took precedence, plus, it was often difficult to get to a shop that sent of films for processing, while the plethora of postal processing companies seemed to be dodgy. Mail order often required someone at home to receive the package, not easy with both parents working.

    Digital changed all that, and made the cost a lot more easy. In fact, very few ever got printed, because it was nice and easy to load the latest photos onto a disk or memory stick and plug in to the TV or video and view them that way.

    In other good news, you may have seen in my very recent Baddesley report, I had an unplanned full day at hospital, which was only supposed to be a couple of hours. The consultant said I hadn't got pyoderma gangrenosum (Wikipedia pyoderma gangrenosum), which is good news, because it can take a very long time to heal, and can be very debilitating. He also knew of two other consultants practicing yesterday, and asked them to have a look, which was very good of him, and  them, which helped to rule out other nasties. So the visit was longer than planned, but in a positive way.

    The next consultation will be December, unless I can get a cancellation. That should define exactly what is happening and exactly what treatment is required, particularly around the compression requirements.

  • Michael B said:

    Colour film was expensive back in the days when I was a child, and has remained more expensive than black and white, though the gap has considerably narrowed over the years.

    Today, most cameras are digital, so to stay competitive, processing labs have had to review their pricing structures.

    With my son, I didn't take too many photos of him growing up, as with most families, mortgages, food and other bills often took precedence, plus, it was often difficult to get to a shop that sent of films for processing, while the plethora of postal processing companies seemed to be dodgy. Mail order often required someone at home to receive the package, not easy with both parents working.

    Digital changed all that, and made the cost a lot more easy. In fact, very few ever got printed, because it was nice and easy to load the latest photos onto a disk or memory stick and plug in to the TV or video and view them that way.

    In other good news, you may have seen in my very recent Baddesley report, I had an unplanned full day at hospital, which was only supposed to be a couple of hours. The consultant said I hadn't got pyoderma gangrenosum (Wikipedia pyoderma gangrenosum), which is good news, because it can take a very long time to heal, and can be very debilitating. He also knew of two other consultants practicing yesterday, and asked them to have a look, which was very good of him, and  them, which helped to rule out other nasties. So the visit was longer than planned, but in a positive way.

    The next consultation will be December, unless I can get a cancellation. That should define exactly what is happening and exactly what treatment is required, particularly around the compression requirements.

    my Mum and Dad took lots but it didn’t over ride the importance of money and food and things like that for me. Dad is more into the technical stuff and has a job with Computers and selling Nokia Phones  and he has meetings in different countries about important things. And he is very good at Technology. He tends to get distracted by games, console, computers, phones,  and anything technology, The house wasn’t very expensive so they had enough money to go on holiday every year and Dad liked getting expensive things so Mum had to remind him about Money sometimes and mainly did the  paying bills and stuff. Mum and Dad talk about The house we are in now is more expensive when we visit Elmore to see the Swallows which is where I used to live Mum and Dad point out our house and have contemplated moveing again but remembering why they moved like the problom where the cats and dogs would go after the pheasants for example. And have considered moveing out of Gloucestershire near Gloucestershire but near the woods and where there’s still shops nearby and we now have 8 dogs aswell so they don’t have as much money as the other house which is why they no longer go on holiday every year and they take lots of photos of the dogs 

    Mum and Dad had a camara where they could take pictures but cause film camaras were very expensive they didn’t start filming alot until from the age of 9 and 10 years old. I used to wonder why I didn’t have any filming of when I was little or animals and other things and it was cause they were too expensive. So interestingly I filming was quiet a new thing for me and my family when I was a child. It isn’t anymore now though it’s pretty much everywhere and there’s lots of things have improved since then with filming aswell. 

    Sorry. I didn’t see your report until after you told me about it. I think it was definitely very good news even though you waited for a long time. 

    iv done a forum on Robinswood Hill Just in case you missed it

    With Rodborough Common I havnt been there for a couple of years so I was exited about sending my photos but none of my devices would allow me to send it until the evening even though I kept trying. I tryed doing less pictures and all sorts but it just didn’t work. It took an hour to try and send all the photos and I was feeling under the weather so there isn’t much photos on there. 

    There wasn’t any butterflys. spring and summer was the best time. but I heard a Chiffchaff so thought I would share it. What I found interesting is I havnt actually been to that part of Robrough Common before and the Woodland  wasnt easyly noticeable so I didn’t know there was woodland until I followed the call of the Chiffchaff so if I didn’t follow the call that led to the Woodland I wouldn’t of found it.